You have searched for pune-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

101 Prabhag Kr.13 Curve Road Nal Stop Frame Emerging Double Flyover New Electrical Panel Installation or Electrical Work.(Government or Semi-Government Vendor Registration Required)
102 Working as Electrical Specialist for E-Bus Charging at Bhekrai Nagar.
TRN : 862083 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for working as electrical specialist for e-bus charging at bhekrai nagar.
103 5 years comprehensive maintenance for 7D Theater at SITC and Sri Chhatrapati Shahu Udyan Pune.
TRN : 862084 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.76 Crore | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for 5 years comprehensive maintenance for 7d theater at sitc and sri chhatrapati shahu udyan pune.
104 L.E.D. in the old standing committee hall in Pune Municipal Corporation building. To provide wall proofing or current maintenance or to repair the same for three years.
105 Imrati, the Chief of Pune Mananagarpalika, has been specially pleased to carry out the special works of electricity and noise reduction.
106 Ward No.38 A Madhil Bibvewadi Chain No.659 Bhaga Rajiv Gandhi Nagar Yethi Primary Health Center & Maternity Nurse Calling/ P.A. Installing the system.
107 Ward No.38 A Central Bibwewadi No. Installation of CCTV equipment with evidence in 659 areas of Rajiv Gandhi Nagar Yeshi Primary Health Center and Maternity Hospital.
108 Ward no. 5. Along with developing the rest of the roads, Pol Kadhan constructed the traffic jams.
TRN : 862089 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 40.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Pune Municipal Corporation
Tender award for ward no. 5. along with developing the rest of the roads, pol kadhan constructed the traffic jams.
109 Installing sound system and doing related works in various auditoriums in Pune Mana Mukhya and Navin Amarti. (Registration of Govt or Semi-Government Vendors Very Relaxed)
110 Electrical Maintenance Repair work for Waste Processing Project in Circle KR-4.(Government or semi-government vendor registration required)

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