You have searched for pune-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

6251 Provn of Qty 02 Air Conditioners 1.5TR at Computer class room at igla flight and Provn of one power point for computer at HQ Bldg at AF Stn Pune.
6252 16. Improvement ODR 203 to Shindemala approach Road Tal Indapur Dist Pune. VR 120
TRN : 857449 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 29.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for 16. improvement odr 203 to shindemala approach road tal indapur dist pune. vr 120
6253 Fire Fighting and Allied Work for Cap Bhavan Building at Savitribai Phule Pune University
TRN : 834156 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 47.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Savitribai Phule Pune University
Tender award for fire fighting and allied work for cap bhavan building at savitribai phule pune university
6254 Local purchase of expendable medical stores
TRN : 547861 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.10 Crore | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for local purchase of expendable medical stores
6255 Local purchase of expendable medical stores
TRN : 548707 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 55.1 Thousand | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for local purchase of expendable medical stores
6256 Local purchase of expendable medical stores
TRN : 547860 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 39.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for local purchase of expendable medical stores
6257 Local purchase of expendable medical stores
TRN : 547858 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for local purchase of expendable medical stores
6258 Local purchase of expendable medical stores
TRN : 548708 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for local purchase of expendable medical stores
6259 tender for Water proofing treatment over the existing roof of Auditorium
TRN : 724868 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Water And Power Research Station
Tender award for tender for water proofing treatment over the existing roof of auditorium
6260 tender for Water proofing treatment over the existing roof of Auditorium
TRN : 724869 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Water And Power Research Station
Tender award for tender for water proofing treatment over the existing roof of auditorium

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