You have searched for puri-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

321 PID-70-Protection to Bhargaabi right embankment near village Bindheibasta, Renovation of sluice at Hantuka and Kerandipur
322 PID-69-Renovation of sluice at Nisibhanra with link chananel
TRN : 547039 |  Puri - Orissa
Contract Value : 29.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for pid-69-renovation of sluice at nisibhanra with link chananel
323 PID-68-Protection to Daya left embankment from RD 45.407km to 45.500km near Kanas
TRN : 547040 |  Puri - Orissa
Contract Value : 31.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for pid-68-protection to daya left embankment from rd 45.407km to 45.500km near kanas
324 PID-67-Restoration to embankment from Luna right embankment near Parimandipur to Mulibasanta from RD 00 to 1.400 km
325 PID-66-Improvement to Pilipila Nallah left bank including renovation of sluice
TRN : 547042 |  Puri - Orissa
Contract Value : 41.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for pid-66-improvement to pilipila nallah left bank including renovation of sluice
326 PID-65-Construction of 3 nos. of drainage sluice on Nadiakhia saline embankment near Arakhaakauda, Shipabanta and Sanapatana
327 PID-56-Construction of concrete drain from Sahabajpur to Chilika lake at RD 18.00km of Malaud saline gherry
TRN : 547044 |  Puri - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for pid-56-construction of concrete drain from sahabajpur to chilika lake at rd 18.00km of malaud saline gherry
328 PID-55-Construction of Drainage sluice across Machhua drain at RD 2.90km on right embankment of Gabakund cut
TRN : 547045 |  Puri - Orissa
Contract Value : 28.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for pid-55-construction of drainage sluice across machhua drain at rd 2.90km on right embankment of gabakund cut
329 Supply of ductile Iron (DI-K7 and K9) pipes for the work Improvement of W/S to uncovered area of Puri Package-12 ( AMRUT/OD/PURI/WS/14)
330 Construction Drill Square area and pindis including sand filling and drain inside the N.C.C office at Puri for 2018-19

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