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591 Preparation of Detailed Project Report including preparation of technical note and power point presentation for proposed works ’’Widening and Strengthening of Kustaur Railway Station - Chas Chandankiary Road (ODR) Road from 0.00 Kmp to 23.72 Kmp’’ under Purulia Highway Sub – Division’’ of Purulia Highway Division in the District of Purulia.
592 Construction of Water Detention Structure Baliguma WDS 3 , Mouza- Baliguma, JL No -11, Plot No- 797, Block - Manbazar-I in the district of Purulia under WBADMIP
593 Preventive Maintenance and repair of tail drum structure of Picking Belt No.2 of ROM Section at Bhojudih Coal Washery.
TRN : 539046 |  Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for preventive maintenance and repair of tail drum structure of picking belt no.2 of rom section at bhojudih coal washery.
594 Construction of Water Detention Structure Saga Supurdihi WDS 3 , Mouza- Saga, JL No -12, Plot No- 913 Block - Bundwan in the district of Purulia under WBADMIP
595 Repairing and Maintenance of ROM-2 Belt Conveyor at Bhojudih Coal Washery.
TRN : 539047 |  Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 4.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for repairing and maintenance of rom-2 belt conveyor at bhojudih coal washery.
596 Construction of Water Detention Structure Saga Supurdihi WDS 1 , Mouza- Saga, JL No -12, Plot No- 831, 833, 834 Block -Bundwan in the district of Purulia under WBADMIP
597 Preventive Maintenance of Standby Raw Coal Crushing system installed in ROM Section at Bhojudih Coal Washery
TRN : 539035 |  Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for preventive maintenance of standby raw coal crushing system installed in rom section at bhojudih coal washery
598 Construction of Water Detention Structure Dhabani WDS 1 , Mouza- Dhabani, JL No -1, Plot No- 1042, 1043 Block - Bundwan in the district of Purulia under WBADMIP
599 Fabrication/ repairing and erection of chute from Conveyor A to Conveyor B and C in ROM Section at Bhojudih Coal Washery
TRN : 539036 |  Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for fabrication/ repairing and erection of chute from conveyor a to conveyor b and c in rom section at bhojudih coal washery
600 Construction of Water Detention Structure Raidihi WDS 5 , Mouza- Raidihi, JL No -55, Plot No- 152, 158 Block - Barabazar in the district of Purulia under WBADMIP

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