You have searched for purulia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

691 Proposal for the work of Preventive maintenance and repair of tail end drum structure unit of conveyor R-4E at Bhojudih Coal Washery.
692 Proposal for the work of Strengthening by maintenance and repair of tail drum structure unit of both side of conveyor RC-5 at Bhojudih Coal Washery.
693 Proposal for the work of Preventive maintenance and repair of bypass chute and its structure, supporting of CC-3 Conveyor Belt along with platform structure at Bhojudih Coal Washery.
694 Proposal for the work of Preventive maintenance and repair of Extended Reject Belt Conveyor and its take up unit at Bhojudih Coal Washery.
695 Proposal for the work of Maintenance / Repairing of Stair Structure of Inclined Gallery Unit at Bhojudih Coal Washery.
TRN : 514643 |  Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for proposal for the work of maintenance / repairing of stair structure of inclined gallery unit at bhojudih coal washery.
696 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Electrical Installation work of the Deben Mahato Sadar Hospital Building _ Residential Building_ Underground LT _ Medium Voltage _230V_ 415V_ Line_ Street Light etc at Purulia In the District of Purulia
697 Supply_Installation_Testing and Commissioning of 10 KVA DG set at the Residential Quarter of the Superintendent of Excise_Purulia and Joint Commissioner of Excise at Ranchi Road _Purulia
698 Construction of Passenger shelter at 15.00 kmp (location Manbhum Collage More) of Sindri-Manbazar Road (SH-5) under Manbazar Highway Sub-Division of Purulia Highway Division during the year 2018-19.
TRN : 506302 |  Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.12 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of alied work for jaltirtha scheme at shikratar mouza under raghunathpur range
700 Construction of Boundary wall at public Graveyard at Samda
TRN : 506299 |  Purulia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 36.34 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of boundary wall at public graveyard at samda

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