You have searched for raigad-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2331 CR to Dahiwad Waki Shevate Adrai Road SH 106 Km 0/0 to 8/0 Taluka Mahad Distric Raigad. (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
2332 C.R. to Mahad Birwadi Walan Pachad Road SH 102 Km 0/0 to 2/0, 17/00 to 22/800 Taluka Mahad. Distric Raigad. (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
2333 C.R. to Barasgaon Shivthar Road MDR-70 Km 5/500 to 8/00, 9/500 to 10/500, 13/00 to 15/00 Taluka Mahad, Distric Raigad. (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
2334 C.R. to Karanjadi Vinhere Tulshikhind Road SH- 172 Km 9/00 to 14/400 Taluka Mahad, Distric Raigad. (Filling the pot hole by semi grout,with seal coat)
2335 C.R. to Bhorav Savad Dhariwali Nigade Pimpalwadi Road MDR-65 Km 9/00 to 12/500, 16/00 to 18/00, 21/00 to 22/00, Taluka Mahad, Distric Raigad (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
2336 CR to Narvan Khutil Mumurshi Road MDR-67 km 0/00 to 5/00 and 8/00 10/00 Taluka Mahad, Distric Raigad. (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
2337 C.R. to Vir Tol Ambet Bagmandla Road SH 100 Km 0/00 to 4/00, 5/400 to 5/800, 6/00 to 9/00, 9/200 to 11/200 Tal. Mahad, Dist. Raigad. (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)
2338 Construction of Sakav at Nerav Chachkond Dhangarwadi Taluka Mahad, District Raigad.
TRN : 501510 |  Raigad - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of sakav at nerav chachkond dhangarwadi taluka mahad, district raigad.
2339 Construction of Protection Wall on Shriwardhan Lonera Road SH-99 at Inguldoh, Taluka Mhasala, District Raigad. (Km. 2/600 to 32/00)
2340 C.R. to Tudil Bhelishi Mandangad Road MDR-66 km 0/00 to 0/800, 2/00 to 3/00, and 4/900 to 6/600 Taluka Mahad District Raigad (Filling the pot hole by semi grout with seal coat)

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