You have searched for rajouri-jammu-and-kashmir- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

161 GER-12/18-19 Special repair for replacement of Unsv lightening with earthing old vintage HPSV MV security lights with LED lights and certain minor works under AGE EM of GE 862 EWS
162 GER-28/18-19 Comprehensive Repair of Bldg of Wksp ADS MARATHA LI and MES Unit under AOR AGE BR Dett A of GE 862 EWS
TRN : 506009 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 25 | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for ger-28/18-19 comprehensive repair of bldg of wksp ads maratha li and mes unit under aor age br dett a of ge 862 ews
163 GER-26/2018-19 Comprehensive repair of bldg of Inf Bde offrs qtrs Stn HQ and ASCON under AOR of Dett A of GE 862 EWS
TRN : 506011 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 36 | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for ger-26/2018-19 comprehensive repair of bldg of inf bde offrs qtrs stn hq and ascon under aor of dett a of ge 862 ews
164 GER-24/2018-19 Comprehensive repair of Bldg of Kalsian Jhanger and Lam under AOR of Dett A of GE 862 EWS
TRN : 506012 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 12.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for ger-24/2018-19 comprehensive repair of bldg of kalsian jhanger and lam under aor of dett a of ge 862 ews
TRN : 506014 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for ger-29/2018-19 comprehensive repair of bldg of ramalidhara and kalal under aor of age br dett a of ge 862 ews
166 GER-27/2018-19 Comprehensive Repair of Punjab Inf Bde ASC Coy Sata Bty Water Point Narian and Dog Unit of AGE BR Dett A Under GE 862 EWS
TRN : 506015 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 15.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for ger-27/2018-19 comprehensive repair of punjab inf bde asc coy sata bty water point narian and dog unit of age br dett a under ge 862 ews
167 Comprehensive repair of Bldg of AP Fd Hosp Fd Regt TA Transit Camp under AOR AGE BR Dett A of GE 862 EWS
TRN : 506017 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 28 | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for comprehensive repair of bldg of ap fd hosp fd regt ta transit camp under aor age br dett a of ge 862 ews
168 Special Repair to bldg No T-28 and T-12 for AFVH and Special Repair to bldg No T- 35 and T-36 of Fd Wksp including Provision of Retaining Wall and certain Minor Work under AOR of Dett B of GE 862 EWS
169 Provn of DG set 25 KV and Spl Repair/replacement of HT OH line and misc works at Jhanger under GE 862 EWS (Job No : N-690/13-14 & SHQ/SR(EM)-06/2018-19)
170 GER-15/2018-19 Provn of 01 RO Plant solar LED street light and spl rep to old HPSV street light with LED and spl rep to ceiling fans Gysers and revenue work under AOR AGE EM of GE 862 EWS

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