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81 Provn of Security Wall and allied Infrastructure at Fd Wksp at LKG under GE 881 EWS (Job No KG/MWP-01/2018-19)
TRN : 683616 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 1.12 Crore | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provn of security wall and allied infrastructure at fd wksp at lkg under ge 881 ews (job no kg/mwp-01/2018-19)
82 Repair to brick work hard standing and certain misc works in North zone under AOR of AGE B/R Dett A at Naushera
TRN : 706327 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 20.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair to brick work hard standing and certain misc works in north zone under aor of age b/r dett a at naushera
83 Provn of Security Wall and allied Infrastructure at Fd Wksp at LKG under GE 881 EWS (Job No KG/MWP-01/2018-19)
TRN : 683622 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 1.12 Crore | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provn of security wall and allied infrastructure at fd wksp at lkg under ge 881 ews (job no kg/mwp-01/2018-19)
84 Spl repair for improvement of LT distribution system and other connected work at Jhanger Base and provn of security light with allied infra for inf Bn at Kalsian base under AOR of AGE E/M GE 862 EWS
85 Provn of Cook house for Fd Regt and Provn of layout shed (Fresh Shed) at Field Supply Depot at Rajouri under GE 862 EWS (Job No STN HQ RAJOURI/LBW-24/2018-19 & STN HQ RAJOURI/LBW-25/2018-19) "
86 Provn of toilet and bathroom at Daraba and Provn of solar water heating system with electrical heating backup at Daraba under AGE (I) CIF (R) (JOB NO CIF (R)/REV-27/2019-20 & CIF (R)/REV-48/2019-20)
87 Provn of internal roads for AT BN at Rajouri and Special repair to internal road and road furniture of 285 Mediium Regt Under GE 862 EWS. (JOB NO STN HQ Rajouri/LBW-09/2019-20 & STN HQ Rajouri/SR-01(RD)/2019-20
88 Repair to roofing ceiling scantling joinery at Rumlidhara Kalal and adjoining area a Dett-A under GE 862 EWS
TRN : 683362 |  Rajouri - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 17.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair to roofing ceiling scantling joinery at rumlidhara kalal and adjoining area a dett-a under ge 862 ews
89 GER-06-2019-20 Spl Repair to bldg No T-53 Provn of store room at Arty Bde Camp Station HQ and Septic tanks soakage wells and allied services for Bldg No P-8 P-9 and P-10 at 150 GH under GE 862 EWS
90 GER-17-2019-20 Addition and alteration to bldg No T-39 Spl Repair to bldg No T-14 Provn of 1x150 AMPS SMPS and 01 x 10 KVA UPS with allied infrastructure at Kalakote and Provn of borewell at Rajouri under Rajouri 862 EWS

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