You have searched for rajura-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 860366 |  Rajura - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 29.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Administration
Tender award for proposed beautification of ambedakar chowk at rajura municipal council
2 Overall IEC work for SBM SS21 ODF GFC SMAU for municipal council
TRN : 786467 |  Rajura - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for overall iec work for sbm ss21 odf gfc smau for municipal council
3 Providing suppying and erection of automatic control panel at municipal council
TRN : 786468 |  Rajura - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing suppying and erection of automatic control panel at municipal council
4 Providing and supplying of 160 KVA transformers at rampur water filter plant and kolgaon headworks of rajura water supply scheme municipal council
5 supplying and installation of LED screen at municipal council
TRN : 784468 |  Rajura - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for supplying and installation of led screen at municipal council
6 Proposed Laying of Rubber Mold Paving Blocks from Chunala Road to Nair and Srivastav to Peche and construction of C.C.Road and C.C.Drain from Namdev Peche to Culvert in Vivekanad Nagar ward no-2,for Nagar Parishad
7 Proposed construction of concrete road wearing course and CC drain with RCC Slab from Sambhaji Dive to Aawari and others at Chunabhatti Ward for Nagar Parishad Rajura
8 Repairing of Boiler of Ms Super Steam Boilers of Regn no. MR-17005 of 2TPH at BC UG 3 and 4 pits of Ballarpur Area. Type of Boiler- Smoke tube ,coal fired horizontal steam boiler
9 Supplying and laying empty cement bags filled with OB/good earth at different critical places at mine and surface under sasti sub area.
10 Regarding the provision of fire wood through the city council for funeral for digging the pit for burial rits at the cemetry and Kshrishchan symmetry

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