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31 Improvement of black spot on Rohru Sungri Bahli Taklech Nogli road Km 27.000 to 80.000 SH Providng and errecting W metal beam crash barrier at RD 49.440 to 49.490 and 50.570 to 50.630
32 Action plan removal of black spots on Rampur Gaura Mashnoo Sarahan Jeori road Km 0.000 to 61.000 SH Providng and errecting W metal beam crash barrier at RD 38.820 to 39.030 and C.O R.walls at Rds 38.830 to 38.840, 38.990 to 39.015
33 Balance work on Mashnoo Taklech road Km. 0/00 to 48/00 (SH. Construction of missing culvert at various RD in Km. 23/390, 24/420, 25/410, 28/075)
34 Balance work on Mashnoo Taklech road Km. 0/00 to 48/00 (SH. Construction of missing culvert at various R.D. in Km. 23/450, 25/045, 25/210, 26/795)
35 Action Plan of black spots on Nirth Punan Bagi road Km. 0/00 to 23.00 (portion 0.00 to 8.00) (SH Providing and Erecting W beam crash barrier at R.D. 3.975 to 3.805, 4.690 to 4.840 and 6.540 to 6.670)
36 Construction of Badharnoo Dhar to Dai Barkeli road Km. 0.00 to 5.700 (SH- Formation cutting in Km. 4.465 to 5.420)
TRN : 602040 |  Rampur Bushahr - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 25.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of badharnoo dhar to dai barkeli road km. 0.00 to 5.700 (sh- formation cutting in km. 4.465 to 5.420)
37 Re-carpetting of Internal roads of BBNDA residential colony, approach road to BBNDA rest house Manjhotu and approach road to BTC including C/o retaining wall on the approach road to BTC.( Length about 1.2 km), Recarpetting of road from Rampur jangi b
38 Lot 31-2018-19Rampur Chil lot Extraction and carriage of timber upto RSDMiragnala and further TT to HSd
TRN : 548362 |  Rampur Bushahr - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Forest Corporation Limited
Tender award for lot 31-2018-19rampur chil lot extraction and carriage of timber upto rsdmiragnala and further tt to hsd
39 Lot No 01-2018-19AniFelling conversion and carriage of timber upto RSd Sumrakanchi and further tt To HSD
TRN : 548363 |  Rampur Bushahr - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 33.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Forest Corporation Limited
Tender award for lot no 01-2018-19anifelling conversion and carriage of timber upto rsd sumrakanchi and further tt to hsd
40 extraction and carriage of timber and F-wood conf.upto RSD Durah Nalla and further TT to HSD
TRN : 525304 |  Rampur Bushahr - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 29.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Forest Corporation Limited
Tender award for extraction and carriage of timber and f-wood conf.upto rsd durah nalla and further tt to hsd

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