You have searched for ranaghat-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Construction of Dining Hall Gayeshpur Jr. Basic Pry. School (Gayeshpur G.P.) under RIDF-XXVII
TRN : 864153 |  Ranaghat - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.84 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of dining hall gayeshpur jr. basic pry. school (gayeshpur g.p.) under ridf-xxvii
2 Sajaldhara Plant for safe drinking water H/O Sunil Tarafdar at Kushuberia,Dag No.1418,Khatian No.76 in the anchal of Duttapulia G.P under Ranaghat-II Dev. Block.
3 Construction of GP Building Decoration by boundary wall,Front face concrete,Green fencing, Gate, grill for 2019-20 SAAP no- 06/2019-20.
4 Improvement of concrete road from h/o Manindra Adhikary to h/o Atul Dutta at Protapgarh Paschim under 14 th CFC under 14th CFC of Bahirgachhi GP of AAP 120 for 2019-20.
5 Improvement of blacktop road from house of Iti Roy to house of Bharat Malakar at Biswanathpur East under 14th CFC of Bahirgachhi GP of AAP 113 for 2019-20.
6 Improvement of blacktop road from house of Bhajan Bala to land of nSanjoy Sarkar at Kuthipara Hemayetpur under 14th CFC of Bahirgachhi GP of AAP 108 for 2019-20.
7 Improvement of blacktop road from h/o Bikash Mondal to h/o Laksman Mondal at Daluabari North under 14th CFC of Bahirgachhi GP for 2019-20. SAAP no- 03/ 2019-20.
8 Sajal dhara SCHEME in front of bilashini smriti ,AAPNO-131( 2019-20) ; pbg sfc
TRN : 753680 |  Ranaghat - West Bengal
Contract Value : 6.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for sajal dhara scheme in front of bilashini smriti ,aapno-131( 2019-20) ; pbg sfc
9 Construction of masonry Field Channel at Purulia-Hingnara Major R.L.I Scheme under Ranaghat (A-M) Sub-Division under Core Sector Programme.
10 Approximate quantity for the different Electrical Work nfrastructural work at commissioning Hall ,D.C&R.C, Vehicle Ground etc , related work on hire charges basis for in connection with the Parliamentary Election -2019 for the venue of Ramnagar Milan Bagan High School and selected Vehicle Ground.

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