You have searched for ranchi-jharkhand- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

251 Hiring of 01 (One) no. Truck (Carrying Capacity - 10 Te Minimum), on daily hire basis (24 hours service) for day-to-day use at Regional Stores, Dakra, NK Area for a period of 03 year.
252 Hiring of 05 (Five) nos. of hard top covered jeeps, diesel version (like Bolero/ Scorpio/Tata Sumo or equivalent), on daily hire basis (24 hours service) for a period of 03 years for different Projects/Units under NK Area.
253 Hiring of 01 (One) no. Shift Bus (Seating Capacity - 52 plus 1), on daily hire basis (24 hours service) for a period of 02 years to be deployed under KDH OCP, NK Area.
254 Making Concertina Wire fencing around D type 04 nos. quarters under Rohini Project.
TRN : 752830 |  Ranchi - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 3.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for making concertina wire fencing around d type 04 nos. quarters under rohini project.
255 Replacement of damaged sewage and drainage pipe of T/S C type Block (3 Nos.) and D/S C type block (3 Nos) in Officers Colony, Dakra under GM Unit, NK Area.
256 Loading and Transportation of Coal from Giddi-C Pithead stock to Giddi-A CHP/Crusher of Argada Area for a period of 03 years
TRN : 752823 |  Ranchi - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 4.75 Crore | Agency Name : Central Coalfields Limited
Tender award for loading and transportation of coal from giddi-c pithead stock to giddi-a chp/crusher of argada area for a period of 03 years
257 Loading and Transportation of Crushed coal by suitably covered contractors tipping trucks from New feeder crusher at Dakra siding to Dakra Manual Siding platform through weigh-bridge no. 2 in distance slab of (0-1) K.M for the period of two years.
258 Providing and fitting of 33kV, 1250A GOAB Switch and Lightening Arrestor in Feeder No. 5 at Churi Coal Depot under Churi UG Project, NK Area.
259 Complete repairing n commissioning of a 11kV, 630A, VCB, Make Electrotekcnica, Sl. No. ET-7026 with other HT electrical works at 33kV/11kV-3.3 kV, 22.5MVA Old Sub-Station for feeding power to newly erected Purnadih Q-1 Feeder under KDH OCP, NK Area.
260 Hiring of 01(One)nos. Basic life support Diesel Ambulance (Bolero type or equivalent ) with all assocories and latest safety features for 24Hours duty with drivers for 03(Three) Years at Kathara Area

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