You have searched for ranni-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 845860 |  Ranni - Kerala
Contract Value : 12.00 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for ranni- pazhavangadi g.p- pro-129/19-20 - improvements to bus stand road
2 Annual Mace. 2019-20 - Leak rectification works of pipe line under P. H. Section, Ranni Zone II (RWSS to Angadi)
3 Providing 20mm thick Close grade Chipping carpet in Jandayickal - Athikayam Road Ch.8/000 -8/700
TRN : 818738 |  Ranni - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing 20mm thick close grade chipping carpet in jandayickal - athikayam road ch.8/000 -8/700
4 Providing temporary barricadu and jungle clearance at Attathodu ,Elavumkal and Nellimala
TRN : 735151 |  Ranni - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing temporary barricadu and jungle clearance at attathodu ,elavumkal and nellimala
5 Construction of elephant proof trench around anti-poaching camp shed at Kadavupuzha in Thannithodu Forest Station of Vadasserikkara Range during 2018-19
6 Renovation of Range Forest Officers quarters at Angamoozhy in Goodrical Range during 2018-19
TRN : 671867 |  Ranni - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for renovation of range forest officers quarters at angamoozhy in goodrical range during 2018-19
7 Raising and First year maintenance of 2019 Pemaruthy miscellanous Hardwood 2019-20 Re-Tender
TRN : 653324 |  Ranni - Kerala
Contract Value : 17.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for raising and first year maintenance of 2019 pemaruthy miscellanous hardwood 2019-20 re-tender
8 Ranni Angadi GP-P.No. 179-Construction of Irish drain and maintenance of Aronnil padi Vadakemannil padi Road in W/No :6"
9 Clearing boundary line and fire tracing at Plappally Forest Station area in Goodrical Range during 2018-19
10 Clearing boundary line and fire tracing at Plappally Forest Station area in Goodrical Range during 2018-19

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