You have searched for rayagada-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

251 Improvement of Gurandi-Machamara Road from 0/0 to 6/175 km in the District of Gajapati under State Plan Normal for the year 2018-19
252 Improvement of Gopilli on PWD Road SH-4 to Kichilingi from 0/000 km to 8/000 km in the District of Gajapati under State Plan Normal for the year 2018-19
253 S/R to KLRG Road to Gopabandhu Jn via police station at Rayagada such as development berm from 0/200 km to 0/550 km
TRN : 544103 |  Rayagada - Orissa
Contract Value : 19.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for s/r to klrg road to gopabandhu jn via police station at rayagada such as development berm from 0/200 km to 0/550 km
254 Improvement of road KLRG Road to IACR Jn Via- Railway Level Crossing in the District of Rayagada under State Plan
TRN : 544106 |  Rayagada - Orissa
Contract Value : 78.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for improvement of road klrg road to iacr jn via- railway level crossing in the district of rayagada under state plan
255 Improvement to road from Tikiri to Kashipur via Dongasil from 24.000km to 41.500km in the District of Rayagada under NABARD Assistance RIDF XXIV
256 SITC of Village Electrification with BPL service connection works for five villages in GUNUPUR Block of Rayagada district under BGJY.
257 Imp of GGLU Road ODR from 0/000 to 6/610 km(Except from 0/600 to 2/000km) in the district of Gajapati under S P Normal for theyear 2018-19
258 Improvement of PWD Road NH-326 A to Baghasala to Agarakhandi from 0/000 km to 6/000 km in the district of Gajapati under State Plan Normal for the year 2018-19
259 Costruction of Canal bank road from Village Badabhangi to Kusumpadar of Bhangi MIP under RCER
TRN : 542667 |  Rayagada - Orissa
Contract Value : 50.06 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for costruction of canal bank road from village badabhangi to kusumpadar of bhangi mip under rcer
260 Construction of canal bank road from village kotaguda to kumutimuda (Kataguda minor from RD 00 to 1950) of Hatimunda MIP under RCER

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