You have searched for rewari-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

121 Shifting of HT LT dangerous electricity lines passing over the residential areas under operation Divn REWARI on partially turnkey basis under the jurisdiction of Op Circle DHBVN Rewari
122 Providing road safety measures raised by road safety assosicate on Rewari Mohindergarh road [SH -24] at Bhadap Bus stand (Blackspot) in Rewari Distt.
123 Special Repair of Primary Health Centre at Fatehpuri in Rewari District. (Re-Invited)
TRN : 837388 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for special repair of primary health centre at fatehpuri in rewari district. (re-invited)
124 Bawal Modification of existing STP with tertiary treatment effluent disposal from STP Bawal to Bawal link Drain Up gradation of Sewage Treatment Plant STP of 3 MLD capacity based on Moving Bed Bio Rector (MBBR) technology located at Nangli Parsapur
125 Purchase of Twenty Five Lac Answer Books of 38 Pages each with OMR sheet or 36 pages without OMR sheet and Five Lac Internal Assessment Answer Sheet of 08 pages each
126 Repair/renovation of Bio-fertilizer lab at Regional Research Station, Bawal
TRN : 830348 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Chaudhry Charan Singh University
Tender award for repair/renovation of bio-fertilizer lab at regional research station, bawal
127 Supply of Furniture items
TRN : 828488 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 21.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Indira Gandhi University
Tender award for supply of furniture items
128 Renovation of Park and other repair work in Canal Rest House Kosli
TRN : 830302 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 4.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for renovation of park and other repair work in canal rest house kosli
129 Repair of Lining and weak bank strengthening of Jamalpur Disty from K.M. 0.021 to 0.400 and K.M. 1.070 to 1.090
TRN : 828489 |  Rewari - Haryana
Contract Value : 6.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for repair of lining and weak bank strengthening of jamalpur disty from k.m. 0.021 to 0.400 and k.m. 1.070 to 1.090
130 Laying pipeline under gravity maintence for connecting village Pond Nangal Jamalpur to Canal from K.M. 29.313/R of Dewana Disty.

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