844Periodical maintenance of 5years completed PMGSY Road works , such as renewal coat with laying SDBC, panell concrete pavement etc. for the year 2018-19,R.W. Division Bargarh-Group-VI, No of roads-6.
Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
1.69 Crore |Agency Name :
Rural Works Department
845Fabrication , Supply, Transportation and Errection of M.S.S.G. Shutter and Its Accessories of Sendhasara Check Dam in Kankadahad Block of Dhenkanal District for the year 2018-19
Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
11.38 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
848Const. of RCC OHT 50000 ltr capacity 13mtr Staging, SV and NRV Chamber, Stand post, Laying of HDPE, GI Pipe, Pump house, Compound wall, Const. of Stand alone for PWS to Vill Kendupali of Dunguripali block.
Sambalpur - Orissa
Contract Value :
45.70 Lacs |Agency Name :
Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division