16Transportation and Installation of 150M Conveyor Belt 1x55/22KW, 800mm Belt Drive Head with All Complete Accessories from Surface to 72DE/46LE IV(B) Seam 100M Initially and its Extension of 50M Seam IV(B) at Saoner Mine No.1 of SNR.
Saoner - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
3.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited
19Transportation and Installation of 800mm Belt, Drive head, 55KW and 100M belt structure complete with accessories at 35D,11LW to 35D/14LW and 15LW, in development district of Seam IV(B) of Saoner Mine No.3 of Saoner Sub Area.
Saoner - Maharashtra
Contract Value :
3.57 Lacs |Agency Name :
Western Coalfields Limited