You have searched for satara-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

91 Health _Work No-01/ 2020-2021
TRN : 853617 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.12 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for health _work no-01/ 2020-2021
92 For Ward no 6 to 10 , Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect
93 Proposed mattalling and Asphalting of Road side R.C.C. Gutter (Both side) for road from Chandani Chowk to Deshmukh Ali.Proposed mattalling and Asphalting of Road side R.C.C. Gutter (Both side) for road Form Chandani Chowk to vitthal mandir.
94 For Ward no 16 to 20 , Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect
95 Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect and transport solid waste from vegetable market, commercial area, public places in Ward no 6 to 10
96 For Ward no 11 to 15 , Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect
97 Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect and transport solid waste from vegetable market, commercial area, public places in Ward no 16 to 20
98 For Ward no 1 to 5 , Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect a
99 Providing driver, labour , fuel with maintenance for satara municipal council owned ghanta-gadi for Door to Door collection ,Segregation and Transportation of solid waste also providing tractor, trolley with labour to collect and transport solid waste from vegetable market, commercial area, public places in Ward no 11 to 15
100 construction of WBM, asphalt road and pipedrain at ward no.2 sadarbazar DYSP bunglow to kavitacha bridge
TRN : 853753 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 20.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for construction of wbm, asphalt road and pipedrain at ward no.2 sadarbazar dysp bunglow to kavitacha bridge

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