You have searched for satara-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 233139 of 2019.2020 Providing Specical repairs to Electrical Installation with switchgears of court Building at Phaltan Tal Phaltan Dist.satara
182 233137 of 2019-2020 - Providing replacement of of switchgears and street light to Prant Office and Tahasil Office at Phaltan Tq. Phaltan Dist. Satara.
183 132045 of 2019-2020 - Providing supply arrangement for B.C. Girls Hostel at Khatav, Tal : Khatav, Dist : Satara.
TRN : 838930 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for 132045 of 2019-2020 - providing supply arrangement for b.c. girls hostel at khatav, tal : khatav, dist : satara.
184 132036 of 2019.2020 Providing 100 KVA DTC and Supply Arrrangement to Police Qtrs. Campus at Patan Dist.Satara
TRN : 838931 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for 132036 of 2019.2020 providing 100 kva dtc and supply arrrangement to police qtrs. campus at patan dist.satara
185 232045 of 2019-2020 - Providing replacement to Electrical Installation to Police Qtrs at Karad, Tal : Karad, Dist : Satara
186 232046 of 2019-2020 - Providing replacement to Electrical Installation of upper floor and panel boards of main panel room of Sub District Hospital at Karad, Dist : Satara
187 132054 of 2019-2020 - Providing LTOH line on internal Road of Ramnagar (Dalit Wasti) at Patan, Tal : Patan, Dist : Satara.
188 Hiring Contractual Services for COVID
TRN : 837022 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 51.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for hiring contractual services for covid
189 Widening and S.T. and B.T. to SH 140 to Kodoli Degaon Nigadi Varne Road MDR 28 Km 3/00 to 6/00 (Section - MIDC to Degaon), Tal and Dist-Satara.
190 Providing Additional Cable for Workshop no.2 from New Supply System of ITI Karad, Dist.Satara
TRN : 837261 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for providing additional cable for workshop no.2 from new supply system of iti karad, dist.satara

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