You have searched for satara-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

231 Construction of Canteen, Watchman Cabin, Cycle Stand at I.T.I. College Aundh, Tal. Khatav Dist. Satara.
TRN : 826923 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 27.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of canteen, watchman cabin, cycle stand at i.t.i. college aundh, tal. khatav dist. satara.
232 To carryout job work of providing of Mechanical spares for M and P make 30 VMF Modal VT Pump no 4 at site Tembhu LIS St 1A Tembhu Tal Karad, Dist Satara
233 To carryout job work of Overhauling of M and P make 30 VMF Modal VT Pump No16 at site Tembhu LIS St 1A Tembhu Tal Karad Dist Satara
234 Job work required of Supplying of Electrical Spares such as Multifunction Meter MPR Trip Relay 250 Amp HT Fuses for Motor Feeder and 90 Amp HRC Fuses for capacitor for 6 6 KV Panel at Tembhu Stage 1ATal Karad Dist Satara
235 Strenghtening and Black Topping to MDR-9 to Phadatarwadi Somnthali (Old Railway Line) MDR-87 Road, MDR 109, Km. 10/00 to 16/000, Section Kunte Road to Mangoba Mal, Tal-Phaltan, Dist-Satara.
236 Supplying e learning material AT TADAVALE TAL KHATAV DIST SATARA
TRN : 849903 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for supplying e learning material at tadavale tal khatav dist satara
237 Construction of Sakav Across Nalla on Road towords Smashanbhumi at Akaichiwadi Tal.Karad Dist.Satara.
TRN : 826226 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of sakav across nalla on road towords smashanbhumi at akaichiwadi tal.karad dist.satara.
TRN : 826227 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for s.t.b.t. to navalwadi,patilwadi to dagechi at karale tal patan dist satara.
239 Supplying Solor System At-Wadhe,Tal/Dist-Satara
TRN : 823838 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for supplying solor system at-wadhe,tal/dist-satara
240 Construction of Control Room on Hatgeghar Dam For Kowadi and Vivar LIS.,Tal.Jawali,Dist Satara
TRN : 835739 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 12.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for construction of control room on hatgeghar dam for kowadi and vivar lis.,tal.jawali,dist satara

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