You have searched for satara-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

281 Providing Replacement of Old CT PT unit & Augmentation of Transformer sub station 315 to 630 kva to Civil Hospital at satara Dist.Satara 231205 of 2019-20.
282 Provision 62.5 KVA D.G set for the new extention Building of Govt. Rural Hospital Koregaon Tal Koregaon Dist.Satara 133120 og 2019.20.
283 Construction of Piped Water Supply Scheme at Marathwadi, Tal. Patan, Dist. Satara
TRN : 779227 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 34.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of piped water supply scheme at marathwadi, tal. patan, dist. satara
284 Construction of RCC Compound wall for Vetane Shaft of Andhali Tunnel under Guruvarya Late Laxmanraoji Inamdar Lift Irrigation Scheme, Tal. Koregaon, dist. Satara
285 Construction of PWS Scheme at Awarwadi/ Rewalkarwadi, Tal. Khatav, Dist- Satara
TRN : 779228 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 24.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of pws scheme at awarwadi/ rewalkarwadi, tal. khatav, dist- satara
286 Construction of PWS Scheme at Anpatwadi, Tal. Khatav, Dist- Satara
TRN : 779229 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 19.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of pws scheme at anpatwadi, tal. khatav, dist- satara
287 Construction of PWS Scheme at Jamb, Tal. Khatav, Dist- Satara
TRN : 779230 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 23.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of pws scheme at jamb, tal. khatav, dist- satara
288 Construction of PWS Scheme at Chinchni, Tal. Khatav, Dist- Satara
TRN : 779231 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 23.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of pws scheme at chinchni, tal. khatav, dist- satara
289 Construction of R.C.C wall and BC soil COT to protect leakage through foundation of K.T.Weir at Ranmala Tal.Khatav Dist Satara
290 Providing services of Expert, Electrician/Fitter, Helper unskilled and Watchmen for Operation, Maintenance & Cleaning of 2 x 4.5 MW vertical Kaplan Turbine and 132 kV switchyard and security of Veer Hydro Electric Power Station (2 x 4.5MW) Tal- Khandala Dist- Satara (For 04 months)

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