You have searched for satara-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

921 Constg..Repair of Z.P.School Building at Saidapur Tal.Karad
TRN : 662277 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for of building at saidapur tal.karad
922 Improvements to Poladpur Mahabaleshwar Wai Bhadale Dahiwadi Road S.H.139 km. 64/00 to 65/00, km 65/800 to 66/300, km. 67/100 to 67/800, 76/600 to 74/650, 75/700 to 76/00, 78/800 to 79/00, 80/800 to 84/100, 86/200 to 89/00 Tal. Wai. Dist. Satara.
923 Improvements to Malharpeth Pandharpur Road S.H.143 km 4/800 to 6/500, 7/000 to 8/000 Tal.Patan. Dist. Satara.
TRN : 662391 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.03 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvements to malharpeth pandharpur road s.h.143 km 4/800 to 6/500, 7/000 to 8/000 tal.patan. dist. satara.
924 Construction of Sakav across Nalla on Wagheri Khopicha Mala Panand Road Tal- Karad, Dist- Satara.
TRN : 661853 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 24.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of sakav across nalla on wagheri khopicha mala panand road tal- karad, dist- satara.
925 Constrution of Two Bridges Budh Approach Road, V.R.27 Km 0/300 and 0/700, Tal-Khatav, Dist-Satara
TRN : 661856 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.88 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for constrution of two bridges budh approach road, v.r.27 km 0/300 and 0/700, tal-khatav, dist-satara
926 BoudhVasti Internal Pipe Gutter And Concrete road
TRN : 660466 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for boudhvasti internal pipe gutter and concrete road
927 Construction of PWS Scheme at Jadahavwadi, Tal. Koregaon, Dist- Satara
TRN : 687323 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 49.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of pws scheme at jadahavwadi, tal. koregaon, dist- satara
928 Adinathnagar Internal Pipe Gutter And Concrete road
TRN : 660467 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for adinathnagar internal pipe gutter and concrete road
929 Providing and Fixing High Mast Pole in Taluka Wai Mahabaleshwa Satara and Koregaon-
TRN : 661643 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 11.47 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing and fixing high mast pole in taluka wai mahabaleshwa satara and koregaon-
930 Bhiku G Khude House To Uttam Khude House R C C Gutter
TRN : 660468 |  Satara - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for bhiku g khude house to uttam khude house r c c gutter

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