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191 Laying of 95 mm2 power cable in B14 B15,B16, B25, B26, B27,(CM Panel) at seam VI(B) of Khairaha UG Mine of Sohagpur Area.
TRN : 660218 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.72 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for laying of 95 mm2 power cable in b14 b15,b16, b25, b26, b27,(cm panel) at seam vi(b) of khairaha ug mine of sohagpur area.
192 Transportation,Installation and Commissioning of Main belt(1000 mm)with belt and drive head Accessories B14,B26 and B27 Panel (CM Panel) at SeamVI(B) in Khairaha U.G. Mine of sohagpur Area
193 Cleaning of 2500 garland drain at sharda OCM of Sohagpur Area.
TRN : 660477 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.73 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for cleaning of 2500 garland drain at sharda ocm of sohagpur area.
194 Hiring of One No Diesel jeep LMV cabin type hard top covered Bolero with AC or equivalent vehicle on rental basis with One driver 12 hrs including staggered rest General Shift for a period of 03 years 1096 days for operating with SAE RnK Sub area
195 Hiring of One No Diesel jeep LMV Bolero with AC or equivalent vehicle on rental basis with One driver 12 hrs including staggered rest General Shift for a period of 03 years 1096 days for operating with Staff Officer Civil SECL Sohagpur Area
196 Hiring of One No Diesel jeep LMV cabin type hard top covered Bolero with AC or equivalent vehicle on rental basis with One driver 12 hrs including staggered rest General Shift for a period of 03 years 1096 days for operating with SAE RnK Sub area
197 Hiring of One No Diesel jeep LMV Bolero with AC or equivalent vehicle on rental basis with One driver 12 hrs including staggered rest General Shift for a period of 03 years 1096 days for operating with Staff Officer Civil SECL Sohagpur Area
198 Hiring of One No Diesel jeep Bolero LMV with AC or equivalent on rental basis with One driver 12 hrs including staggered rest General Shift for a period of 03 years 1096 days for operating with Area Pool duty ie Staff Officer MM of SECL SGP Area
199 Hiring of One No Diesel jeep Bolero LMV with AC or equivalent on rental basis with One driver 12 hrs including staggered rest General Shift for a period of 03 three years 1096 days for operating with Area pool duty SO Excavation of SECL Sohagpur Area
200 External assistance/Outsourcing for welding work of various HEMM Equipments in
TRN : 654795 |  Shahdol - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.01 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for external assistance/outsourcing for welding work of various hemm equipments in

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