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1491 C/o Truck Parking at Industrial Area, Lodhimajra
TRN : 589065 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 34.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Baddi Barotlwala Nalanarh Development Authority
Tender award for c/o truck parking at industrial area, lodhimajra
1492 C/o link road from Baruna Khokhra road to house of Harmesh singh and others km 0/00 to 1/00. C/o L/R from Deoli Tapriyan road to Vishnu vass Village Tapriyan, C/o path and drain village Bagheri Upperli (Balbir vass), C/o R/wall village Palli (Pritam
1493 Providing and fixing interlocking tiles from Sai raod to house of Lajja ram , Dayal Chand village Billanwali Gujran,Providing and fixing interlocking tiles infront of Aanganbari and Dharamshala.(RD 0/00 to 0/750), Providing and fixing 80 mm thick int
1494 Balance work of Road from khera baba mandir to the H/o Amrit pal village Dhela GP Dhela RD 0/00 to 0/600 (SH 80 mm thick paver blocks,drain etc.), Balance work road from mata rani temple to village kaundi (RD 0/00 to 1/00)(SH M/T work,drain, r/wall
1495 Special Repair and maintenance of satellite office building of BBNDA at Nalagarh in Tehsil Nalagarh Distt. Solan (HP)
TRN : 589071 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.55 Lacs | Agency Name : Baddi Barotlwala Nalanarh Development Authority
Tender award for special repair and maintenance of satellite office building of bbnda at nalagarh in tehsil nalagarh distt. solan (hp)
1496 R/c of l/r vill. Kalyan Pur to Kanwali ,R/c of l/r Kundlu bridge to vill. baglehar,R/c Joghon Baruna road to vill. Katirdu majra and Baruna bagheri road to kalyan pur 80 mm thick inter. paver blocks and U shape drain. Recar. NH-105 to Beli Dyor(Khera
1497 R/c of l/r vill. Kalyan Pur to Kanwali ,R/c of l/r Kundlu bridge to vill. baglehar,R/c Joghon Baruna road to vill. Katirdu majra and Baruna bagheri road to kalyan pur 80 mm thick inter. paver blocks and U shape drain. Recar. NH-105 to Beli Dyor(Khera
1498 Restoration of Black spot on MRR via Lakkar Bazar road km 145/735 to 153/075 (SH C/O retaining wall with Toe wall at RD.152/015 to 152/030)
1499 Printing and Supply of Barcoded Items
TRN : 588151 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 10.66 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Posts
Tender award for printing and supply of barcoded items
1500 Restoration of Paonta Puruwala Singhpura Bhagani Gojjar Dak Pather road (MDR No. 94) km 0/0 to 26/500 (SH Providing and laying 25 mm thick compacted bituminous concrete including rectification in km 3/0 to 4/0).

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