You have searched for shimla-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1551 C/o ITI Building at Patta Mehlog Distt. Solan HP
TRN : 583839 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.53 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for c/o iti building at patta mehlog distt. solan hp
1552 C/O Kelodhar, Seri, Sainj Bagra raod Km. 0/0 to 19/0 SH Passing place B/wall, M/T works and V-Shape Drain etc.portion on Naglog to Balidhar road Km. 11/0 to 19/0)
1553 Annual repair and maintenance of High Court Building at Shimla. (SH-Inside painting, polishing and distempering etc. in main building.)
1554 Construction of Parking Block Cum N.H. and Q. C. office Block D Nirman Bhawan, Nigam Vihar Shimla-2.(SH- Providing and placing Furniture at site of work.)
1555 M/T on Ratti Dharwahan Grencha road km 0/0 to 4/0
TRN : 583844 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 18.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for m/t on ratti dharwahan grencha road km 0/0 to 4/0
1556 CO Link road from Sorshan to Udhmo road Km 0/00 to 1/720 S FC 5/7 mtr wide, C/D and Soling in Km 0/00 to 1/405 )
TRN : 583845 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 12.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for co link road from sorshan to udhmo road km 0/00 to 1/720 s fc 5/7 mtr wide, c/d and soling in km 0/00 to 1/405 )
1557 Construction of Store for Distt. Ayurvedic Hospital at Dharamshala Distt. Kangra H.P.
TRN : 583846 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of store for distt. ayurvedic hospital at dharamshala distt. kangra h.p.
1558 Periodical maintenance on Bakhrot Sanarli Kelodhar Luhri Sainj road MDR-021 (SH Providing and laying 25mm bituminous concrete including profile correction in Km. 19/0 to 21/0)
1559 Improvement of black spot on Mandi Rewalsar Kalkhar road km 0/0 to 29/00
TRN : 583850 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 15.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvement of black spot on mandi rewalsar kalkhar road km 0/0 to 29/00
1560 Proidical maintenance on Tattapani Shakra road VR-0062 (Sub Head Providing and laying 25 mm bituminous concrete including profile correction in Km. 7/00 to 10/00)

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