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451 Construction of Dy, Forest Ranger Quarter Jhina at Chambi in Sarain Forest Range under Chopal Forest Division
TRN : 671519 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 13.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of dy, forest ranger quarter jhina at chambi in sarain forest range under chopal forest division
452 Job 3 Construction of and M.T link road village Ispur Mohalla Sainian upto Swan Khad via Shiv Mandir Sub Head Providing and laying earth filling and GSB at RD 1-0 to 1-500, WMM and PC with seal coat at RD 0-0 to 1-0 Under OTMNP
453 Annual Maintenance of road after post five years PMGSY of Narial Kelvi Dharampur Kiartoo Bagoti road km 0.0 to 28.0 SH P.L Bitumen conc. 25 mm thick in km 6.0 to 7.0 8.0 to 10.0 11.0 to12.0 22.0 to 24.0 and 27.0 to 28.0
454 Job 2 Construction of link road village Khad Mohalla Sonklyan Sub Head Providing and laying earth filling and GSB at RD 1-735 to 2/-235, WMM and PC with seal coat at RD 0-735 to 1-735 under OTMNP
455 C.o Stadium at Shirgul Devta temple complex at Ghoond SH C.o Stag and steps for sitting in the Devta temple complex
TRN : 664755 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 32.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for c.o stadium at shirgul devta temple complex at ghoond sh c.o stag and steps for sitting in the devta temple complex
456 Periodical maintenance on link road to Village Nangroli from Gagret Road km. 0-0 to 5-0 Sub Head Providing and laying Patch work , 25mm thick SDBC HP-1203 VR002153101, 102, 103, 104, 105 incentive scheme Under PMGSY
457 C/o road from SC basti uperli Bhud to Morepin factory. (RD 0/00 to 0/500) (SH- tiled road and drain), C/o road from the house of Nand lal to Gujjar basti in village khas khol. (RD 0/00 to 1/00) (SH- Retaining wall, drain, tiled road and slab culvert
458 Construction of road from SC basti uperli Bhud to Morepin factory. (RD 0/00 to 0/500) (SH- tiled road and drain), C/o road from the house of Nand lal to Gujjar basti in village khas khol. (RD 0/00 to 1/00) (SH- Retaining wall, drain, tiled road and slab culvert
459 tender for Chiseling dressing and carving as per original design and pattern of the sandstone blocks
TRN : 713704 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Archaeological Survey Of India
Tender award for tender for chiseling dressing and carving as per original design and pattern of the sandstone blocks
460 Furnishing of Advocate General office building near HP High Court Shimla. (SH- Providing and fixing furniture articles.)
TRN : 671517 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 44.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for furnishing of advocate general office building near hp high court shimla. (sh- providing and fixing furniture articles.)

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