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751 Providing Internal Electrification, Air Conditioning, D.G. Set, CCTV, and UPS at Two Labour Court Cum Industrial Tribunal at Bhagat Singh Market, Sevoke Road, Siliguri.
752 Construction of "C" types of Quarter at Dulali under Ghoshpukur S.F. Range, SSFD, Siliguri
TRN : 600823 |  Siliguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 8.41 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of "c" types of quarter at dulali under ghoshpukur s.f. range, ssfd, siliguri
753 Construction of Barbed wire over existing boundary wall and repair & renovation of existing toilet block providing with kota stone & tiles also repair door and window etc. of Mal central hostel for ST girls under Mal Block, Jalpaiguri District.
754 Construction of Barbed wire over existing boundary wall and repair & renovation of existing toilet block providing with kota stone & tiles also repair door and window etc. of Mal central hostel for ST girls under Mal Block, Jalpaiguri District.
755 Construction of Barbed wire over existing boundary wall and repair & renovation of existing toilet block providing with kota stone & tiles also repair door and window etc. of Mal central hostel for ST girls under Mal Block, Jalpaiguri District.
756 Construction of Barbed wire over existing boundary wall and repair & renovation of existing toilet block providing with kota stone & tiles also repair door and window etc. of Mal central hostel for ST girls under Mal Block, Jalpaiguri District.
757 Construction of Barbed wire over existing boundary wall and repair & renovation of existing toilet block providing with kota stone & tiles also repair door and window etc. of Mal central hostel for ST girls under Mal Block, Jalpaiguri District.
758 Sinking of 128X80 mm X60mt. depth Rig bore Tubewell fitted with Mark II hand pump by ODEX machine-115. Method of drilling within Subalvita and Nazirjote area , Buraganj G.P under the head of BADP (2017-18) , Pin point site to be supplied at the time of AOC
759 Construction of Balance Work with of Mumty Roof and allied work of Eklabhaya Model Residential School at Nagrakata, Nagrakata Block, Jalpaiguri
TRN : 561077 |  Siliguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 59.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority
Tender award for construction of balance work with of mumty roof and allied work of eklabhaya model residential school at nagrakata, nagrakata block, jalpaiguri
TRN : 561766 |  Siliguri - West Bengal
Contract Value : 18.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provn of certain lbw works at misamari under ge misamari

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