You have searched for singrauli-madhya-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

991 Providing Light Vehicle PCC road from Weigh Bridge to VTC junction at Nigahi Project
TRN : 687864 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 38.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for providing light vehicle pcc road from weigh bridge to vtc junction at nigahi project
992 Procurement of Thinner and Varnish
TRN : 687867 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of thinner and varnish
993 Procurement of Neutral Grounding Resistor Housed at Block B Project
TRN : 687869 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of neutral grounding resistor housed at block b project
994 Procurement of Bearings of reputed make.
TRN : 708997 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 98.7 Thousand | Agency Name : Central Mine Planning And Design Institute Limited
Tender award for procurement of bearings of reputed make.
995 Supply of Security Guards
TRN : 683740 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.06 Crore | Agency Name : Central Mine Planning And Design Institute Limited
Tender award for supply of security guards
996 Supply of Security Guards
TRN : 707558 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.06 Crore | Agency Name : Central Mine Planning And Design Institute Limited
Tender award for supply of security guards
997 Supply of Sleeve Bearings for 24/96 Dragline
TRN : 708969 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 85.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply of sleeve bearings for 24/96 dragline
998 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12 mm to 20 mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. meters and under, including cutting the patch in proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete, including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 metres lead : With cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand), Removing dry or oil bound distemper, water proofing cement paint and the like by scrapping, sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete, Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth completeDistempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound ) content less than 50 grams/ litre, of approved brand and manufacture, including applying additional coats wherever required, to achieve even shade and colour. Two coats., "Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10 sqm)., Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : One or more coats on old work., French spirit polishing : Two or more coats on new works including a coat of wood filler, Colour washing such as green, blue or buff to give an even shade : New work (two or more coats) with a base coat of white washing with lime, White washing with lime to give an even shade : New work (three or more coats), Total impact of GST for the purpose of CTC
TRN : 707559 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 43.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Central Mine Planning And Design Institute Limited
Tender award for repairs to plaster of thickness 12 mm to 20 mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. meters and under, including cutting the patch in proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete, including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 metres lead : with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand), removing dry or oil bound distemper, water proofing cement paint and the like by scrapping, sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches etc. complete, providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth completedistempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper, having voc (volatile organic compound ) content less than 50 grams/ litre, of approved brand and manufacture, including applying additional coats wherever required, to achieve even shade and colour. two coats., "finishing walls with acrylic smooth exterior paint of required shade : new work (two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10 sqm)., painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade : one or more coats on old work., french spirit polishing : two or more coats on new works including a coat of wood filler, colour washing such as green, blue or buff to give an even shade : new work (two or more coats) with a base coat of white washing with lime, white washing with lime to give an even shade : new work (three or more coats), total impact of gst for the purpose of ctc
999 Construction of middle school kursa me boundrywall and Leviling work gram panchayat kursa Block Deosar Distt. Singrauli
TRN : 737352 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 10 | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for construction of middle school kursa me boundrywall and leviling work gram panchayat kursa block deosar distt. singrauli
1000 tender for Diet building Singrauli
TRN : 708195 |  Singrauli - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.83 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for tender for diet building singrauli

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