You have searched for singtam-sikkim- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 Providing Arrangement of Water Supply Connection for 29-mile village
TRN : 658101 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 3.99 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing arrangement of water supply connection for 29-mile village
32 Restoration of Surface Drainage System along with Protection Works at Slide Zone near to Damaged Magazine House at Dam
TRN : 658106 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 9.34 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for restoration of surface drainage system along with protection works at slide zone near to damaged magazine house at dam
33 Painting of CGI Sheets of various offices, stores of Sector-A, Rambi of TLD-III Power Station
TRN : 658108 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 5.26 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for painting of cgi sheets of various offices, stores of sector-a, rambi of tld-iii power station
34 General Up Keeing and Housekeeping of Colony (Sector A) of Rangit Power Station for the Year 2019-20
TRN : 651182 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 16.62 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for general up keeing and housekeeping of colony (sector a) of rangit power station for the year 2019-20
35 General Up Keeing and Housekeeping of Colony (Sector B) of Rangit Power Station for the Year 2019-20
TRN : 651184 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 17.27 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for general up keeing and housekeeping of colony (sector b) of rangit power station for the year 2019-20
36 Providing assistance for Running and maintenance of Field Hostel_l and Field Hostel II and Office canteen at Tingchim for Teesta_IV HE Project
TRN : 648841 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 23.24 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing assistance for running and maintenance of field hostel_l and field hostel ii and office canteen at tingchim for teesta_iv he project
37 Providing assitance for Running and Maintenance of HOP cum Guest House and Field Hostel at Samdong for Teesta_IV HE Project
TRN : 648843 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 18.53 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing assitance for running and maintenance of hop cum guest house and field hostel at samdong for teesta_iv he project
38 Design, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Fire Fighting System for Emergency Diesel Generating (EDG) Sets
TRN : 615863 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 15.18 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of fire fighting system for emergency diesel generating (edg) sets
39 Renewal of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of Fire Detection and Alarm System (FDAS) installed in Power House of Teesta-V Power Station
TRN : 599105 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 5.23 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for renewal of comprehensive annual maintenance contract of fire detection and alarm system (fdas) installed in power house of teesta-v power station
40 Online partial discharge pd test on 420 kf gis of teesta v power station
TRN : 599116 |  Singtam - Sikkim
Contract Value : 6.99 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for online partial discharge pd test on 420 kf gis of teesta v power station

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