You have searched for sonebhadra-uttar-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 666160 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 20.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh State Construction And Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for routine maintenance of turbine
762 Repairing and maintenance of pumps KBL model no. DSM 125/40 and SCT 150/48, DSM 65/32A and MF 25/25 in Khadia mines.
TRN : 665416 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 5.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing and maintenance of pumps kbl model no. dsm 125/40 and sct 150/48, dsm 65/32a and mf 25/25 in khadia mines.
763 Operation of pumps and regulating of controlling valves of pumps installed for de-watering of mines water in pump house during monsoon 2019-20 at Kakri project
764 Laying, unloading of dead trailing cable size 4 x 35sq mm to 4 x 95 sq mm at Khadia Project for one year
TRN : 667239 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for laying, unloading of dead trailing cable size 4 x 35sq mm to 4 x 95 sq mm at khadia project for one year
765 Off- loading work to outside agency towards complete repairing and reinforcement of 11 Nos. Dump body for Unit Rig 120 Te Dumper Sl no.
TRN : 688509 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for off- loading work to outside agency towards complete repairing and reinforcement of 11 nos. dump body for unit rig 120 te dumper sl no.
766 Repair and maintenance during shifting of quarters at Kakri Area
TRN : 660831 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 43.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair and maintenance during shifting of quarters at kakri area
767 New electrical wiring, repairing of old electrical wiring and other miscellaneous works at different industrial buildings such as VTC, PO office, View Point, Excavation Work shop and weigh bridge etc at Kakri Project
768 Repairing and maintenance of HT pumps of different make and sizes for monsoon 2019-20 in Khadia mines
TRN : 665417 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing and maintenance of ht pumps of different make and sizes for monsoon 2019-20 in khadia mines
769 Procurement of lubrication pump spares applicable to Graco make pump CAT 100 Dumpers working at Bina Project.
TRN : 665083 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 8.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of lubrication pump spares applicable to graco make pump cat 100 dumpers working at bina project.
770 Procurement of High Ambient Split AC applicable to 10 cum Electric Rope Shovel BE 195 Shovel at Bina Project.
TRN : 665084 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 20.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of high ambient split ac applicable to 10 cum electric rope shovel be 195 shovel at bina project.

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