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231 Annual maintenance of Water supply in Sector -7, U/E, Sonipat . Providing & laying of Hot bituminous (Mastic Asphalt) two coat on roof surface of small tank & sump well etc. complete in all respect." (At Water Works, Sector - 7, U/E, Sonipat. )
232 Annual maintenance of Master Water Supply in Various Sectors at Urban Estate, Sonipat. "Providing & laying of 150 & 200mm dia pipe line & construction of Haudi for rain water harvesting system for recharging of abandoned bore wells and upgradation of water work in Sector - 14, U/E, Sonipat and all other works contingent thereto
233 Annual maintenance of Master Water Supply in Various Sectors at Urban Estate, Sonipat. Providing & laying of 150 & 200mm dia pipe line & construction of Haudi for rain water harvesting system for recharging of abandoned bore wells and upgradation of water work in Sector - 14, U/E, Sonipat and all other works contingent thereto
234 Repair of existing pump chamber & UGT in Sector -12, U/E, Sonipat Repair of flooring with C:C 1:1.5:3, construction of sluice valve haudi, construction of toilet, cement plaster, kotah stone floorin, providing & laying of RCC pipe and all other works contingent thereto
TRN : 783457 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 46.8 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair to maruti gypsy ba no 16c-120746l
TRN : 783458 |  Sonipat - Haryana
Contract Value : 46.8 Thousand | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair to maruti gypsy ba no 16b-121373k
237 RC estimate for prov and installation of 1 no. DTW and 1 no. Bstn. in Vill. Wazirpura Tehsil Gohana Sonepat Under AQ Const.of 2 nos. PC, Const. of 1 No. UGCWT, rising main, Bwall, Disty Sys, PM incl. all required electric and mech equipments.
238 Annual maintenance of HSVP Staff Quarters in Sector – 15, U/E, Sonipat. Repair of staff quarter plastering, painting, white washing distemper, repair of wood work, etc. and all other works contingent thereto" (HSVP Officer Residence Colony, Sector – 15, Sonipat)
239 Special Repair estimate for providing ws scheme Sarsad Village Tehsil Gohana Distt. Sonepat- Laying of 100mm id and 150mm id D.I. Pipeline in Village Mundlana and Shamri Tehsil Gohana Distt. Sonepat and all other works contingent thereto.
240 Design , Design , Construction , Supply , Erection , Testing and Commissioning of RCC NP4 sewerlineupto MPS, RCC Retaining Wall, Boundary wall and 33.75 MLD Main Pumping Station (MPS) & 15 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Phase I & based on Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology and followed by 15 MLD tertiary treatment for 100% flow for Part-IV, Part-V for Sector 58 to 64 of Urban Estate, Transformers, DG Set, Staff Quarters all other works contingent thereto including Design, Construction of Civil Works, Supply of Mechanical, Electrical & Instrumentation Works, including Operation and Maintenance for 72 months including defect liability period of 12 months after stabilization period of 90 days on turnkey basis complete in all respects at Village – Aterna Sector 60, Sonipat, Haryana.

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