You have searched for south-24-parganas-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

991 Raidighi to Bolerbazar - chainage from 0.00 Kmp - 14.80 Kmp - Strengthening work of Mathurapur-II Block in the district of South 24 Parganas. (2nd Call)
992 Construction of a single lane R.C.C. Bridge at Ch. 26.500 Km over Tolly's Nullah at Horopur within Kheyadaha G.P. Sonarpur, Dist -South 24 Parganas."
993 Electrical Installation works of different places [ i.e.GNM nursing training student Hostel , Demostration room, Classroom,toilet etc.due to civil repair & renovation works at Baghajatin State General Hospital under South 24 prgs. (Job No. SKJ/OW/07 of 18-19)
994 Supply and delivery of Terminal Kit and Aerial Bunched cable to WBSEDCL for effecting power supply at GLR site [DH-II] of Mega Surface Based Water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur District S 24 Pgs. under SMD, PHE Dte.
995 Supply and delivery of electrical materials and Aerial Bunched cable to WBSEDCL for effecting power supply at GLR site [DH-II] of Mega Surface Based Water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur District S 24 Pgs. under SMD, PHE Dte.
996 Supply and delivery of Iron materials and Aerial Bunched cable to WBSEDCL for effecting power supply at GLR site [DH-II] of Mega Surface Based Water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur District S 24 Pgs. under SMD, PHE Dte.
997 Supply and delivery of XLPE cable and jointing kit to WBSEDCL for effecting power supply at GLR site [Kultali] of Mega Surface Based Water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur District S 24 Pgs. under SMD, PHE Dte.
998 Supply and delivery of Iron materials and Aerial Bunched cable to WBSEDCL for effecting power supply at GLR site [DH-II] of Mega Surface Based Water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur District S 24 Pgs. under SMD, PHE Dte.
999 Supply and delivery of Iron materials and Aerial Bunched cable to WBSEDCL for effecting power supply at GLR site [Kultali] of Mega Surface Based Water supply scheme for Falta-Mathurapur District S 24 Pgs. under SMD, PHE Dte.
1000 Balance work including tiles flooring, repairing of roof sheet, sheet gate on garage along with tit bit maintenance at Magrahat I.T.I. at South 24 Parganas”
TRN : 546674 |  South 24 Parganas - West Bengal
Contract Value : 14.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority
Tender award for balance work including tiles flooring, repairing of roof sheet, sheet gate on garage along with tit bit maintenance at magrahat i.t.i. at south 24 parganas”

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