You have searched for surendranagar-gujarat- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Hiring Vehicle for Mainline Maintenance Activities under WRPL Surendranagar Station
TRN : 836824 |  Surendranagar - Gujarat
Contract Value : 23.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for hiring vehicle for mainline maintenance activities under wrpl surendranagar station
2 17024 Exterior painting at Pump Station and Residential Colony at WRPL Surendranagar
TRN : 623473 |  Surendranagar - Gujarat
Contract Value : 11.48 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for 17024 exterior painting at pump station and residential colony at wrpl surendranagar
3 18075 Construction of Computer Lab Toilet Block for Girls School Boundary wall in Govt_Aided_School Smt_C_D_T_Shah Vinay_Mandir High_School and Underground water storage tank in Village Danavada Tehsil Muli District Surendranagar
4 18049_Providing Operating and Maintenance of Camper for Material transfer and Mainline purposes at WRPL Surendranagar
TRN : 621837 |  Surendranagar - Gujarat
Contract Value : 13.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for 18049_providing operating and maintenance of camper for material transfer and mainline purposes at wrpl surendranagar

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