You have searched for talcher-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

91 Procurement of DOL Starter and ACBs for Nandira Colliery MCL Talcher Area.
TRN : 701872 |  Talcher - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of dol starter and acbs for nandira colliery mcl talcher area.
92 Hiring of One (01) No. of Indigo or equivalent having minimum seating capacity of 5(4PLUS1) for engagement at 12Hrs/day,150Km/day run for a period of Two years (i.e. 682 days) for deployment at POOL of General Manager, Talcher Area.
93 Mechanical and chemical cleaning, Maintenance of Ash Pit door, replacement of defective seamless water tube, Pressure gauge, painting of Boiler Drum, Tubes section etc. and carryout Hydraulic Test of Water Tube Boiler having No-42 of Talcher Colliery
94 Hiring of One (01) No. of Pick Up Van (utility vehicle)/Bolero Camper or equivalent of Double cab with 4plus1 seated capacity for a period of Two years (i.e. 682 days),12Hrs/day, 150 Km/day engagement at Talcher Area.
95 Annual Maintenance Contract of Air Conditioners (Split A/Cs-57 Nos., Window A/Cs-68 Nos.) located at different locations of Talcher Area.
96 Hiring of One (01) No. of EECO Ambulance (Petrol) or equivalent with minimum basic life support equipment, A/C fitted, etc for a period of Two years (i.e. 682 Days) with deployment of 24Hrs/Day, 150Km/Day engagement at Talcher Area.
97 Repairing/Overhauling of 120HP, 440V, 2900RPM, 500GPM, Submersible Motor and Pump set having Sl.No.-PP37386 of Deulbera Colliery.
98 Hiring of One(01) No. of Indigo or equivalent having minimum seating capacity of 5 (4PLUS1) for a period of Two years (i.e. 682 Days),12Hrs/Day, 100Km/Day for engagement at Area Finance Manager, Talcher Area.
99 Hiring of One(01) No. of Indigo or equivalent having minimum seating capacity of 5 (4plus1) for a period of Two years (i.e. 682 Days),12Hrs/Day, 100Km/Day for engagement at Personnel Department of Talcher Area.
100 Supply of Dengue NS1 Elisa Test Kits for the Department of pathology,NSCH,Talcher.
TRN : 687259 |  Talcher - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for supply of dengue ns1 elisa test kits for the department of pathology,nsch,talcher.

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