You have searched for thane-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2091 Repairs to Various Wards and Buildings premises at Civil Hospital, Thane.
TRN : 502586 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.96 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for repairs to various wards and buildings premises at civil hospital, thane.
2092 Budget July 2016_S.T.B.T. to Pendharkar College to Patharli Dombivali Gimkhana Road, Major District Road No.72, Kilometre No.0_000 to 1_200,In Taluka Kalyan, District Thane.
2093 Central Road Fund For Year 2015-16 Strengthening And Black Topping To Bhiwandi Parol Road, Major District Road No.48, Kilometre No.6_500 To 10_000, In Taluka Bhiwandi, District Thane.
2094 Strengthening And Black Topping To Bhiwandi Vadapa Road S.S.H. In Km No. 543 _ 100 To 544 _ 700 542 _ 900 To 543 _ 900 In Taluka Bhiwandi District Thane. Budgetted Work For Year 2015-2016
2095 Widening And Strengthening, Black Topping To Amane Nandkar Road Mdr-49 Km.No.1_200 To 4_500 In Taluka Bhiwandi, District Thane. Budgeted Work For Year 2016- 17 Actual In Km. 1_200 To 3_700
2096 Widening and Strengthening, Black Topping to Padgha Kahdavali Road Major District Road No.70 Kilometre No.2_500 to 2_740 in Taluka Bhiwandi, District Thane. Budgeted work for Year 2016_17
2097 Widening and Strengthening, Black Topping to Amane Nandkar Road, Major District Road No.49 Kilometre No.0_000 to 1_100, in Taluka Bhiwandi District Thane.
2098 MOW 2015-16 Construction of New Toilet block of Male and Female Section at Regional Mental Hospital, Thane.
TRN : 502593 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.46 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for mow 2015-16 construction of new toilet block of male and female section at regional mental hospital, thane.
2099 Construction of R.C.C. Compound Wall to Government Rest House Premises at Varsova Taluka and District Thane.
TRN : 502594 |  Thane - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.46 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of r.c.c. compound wall to government rest house premises at varsova taluka and district thane.
2100 Construction of A.D.R. Center in the Premises of District and Session Court Thane Providing Rainwater Harvesting and Sump Well.

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