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471 NEDUMANGAD MUNICIPALITY 2020-21 PRNO 232/20, Karanthala prarthanalayam road concrete( reachII)
TRN : 843996 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for nedumangad municipality 2020-21 prno 232/20, karanthala prarthanalayam road concrete( reachii)
472 Retarring of Christ Nagar School Road in Punchakkari Ward
TRN : 844039 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 17.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for retarring of christ nagar school road in punchakkari ward
473 Concreting of Rajaji colony Road in Thampannoor ward.
TRN : 844045 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 16.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for concreting of rajaji colony road in thampannoor ward.
474 Deposit work of Karumkulam Grama Panchayath -RWSS to Poovar Karichal :-Pipe line extension and Providing water supply fecility to C.H.C. Sub centre in ward no.18 at Karumkulam panchayath .
475 Deposit work of Kottukal Grama Panchayat - Water supply line extension to Edathekonam line in Kottukal grama panchyath
TRN : 844062 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for deposit work of kottukal grama panchayat - water supply line extension to edathekonam line in kottukal grama panchyath
476 Deposit work of Athiyanoor Block panchayath- RWSS to Venganoor- line extension with 75 mm PVC pipe at Peringamala-Kunju veettu vila road.
477 RWSS to Kattakada-Deposit Work-Pipe line extension in Mavottukonam-Kuzhitallalaodu Road in Ward-3 of Malayinkeezhu grama Panchayath-Reach-2
478 Purcase of Horse feed
TRN : 844072 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 42.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Police Department
Tender award for purcase of horse feed
479 Cost of second and third year maintenance of 2019 TP Chempala of Chempala Forest Station in Mannarappara range during 2020-2021 to 2021-22
TRN : 844095 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 28.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Electronics Technology Park Kerala
Tender award for roofing work for covered parking in technopark phase 1 campus

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