You have searched for tinsukia-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

51 Providing of Constr Mtrls for Covered Shed and Hard Standing in 2 Mtn Div Sector.
TRN : 758035 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 19.50 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for providing of constr mtrls for covered shed and hard standing in 2 mtn div sector.
52 Supply of Construction Materials for 09 x ORL Shelters in 2 Mtn Div Sector.
TRN : 758037 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 35.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of construction materials for 09 x orl shelters in 2 mtn div sector.
53 Upgradation of Industrial Estate Borguri (Construction of Cement Concrete Road RCC Drain and Cross Drainage Works) Group V
TRN : 721201 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 45.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Industries And Commerce
Tender award for upgradation of industrial estate borguri (construction of cement concrete road rcc drain and cross drainage works) group v
54 Upgradation of Industrial Estate Borguri (Construction of Cement Concrete Road RCC Drain and Cross Drainage Works) Group IV
TRN : 721209 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 94.47 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Industries And Commerce
Tender award for upgradation of industrial estate borguri (construction of cement concrete road rcc drain and cross drainage works) group iv
55 Upgradation of Industrial Estate Borguri (Construction of Cement Concrete Road RCC Drain and Cross Drainage Works) Group III
TRN : 721214 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 88.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Industries And Commerce
Tender award for upgradation of industrial estate borguri (construction of cement concrete road rcc drain and cross drainage works) group iii
56 Upgradation of Industrial Estate Borguri (Construction of Cement Concrete Road RCC Drain and Cross Drainage Works) Group II
TRN : 721218 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 95.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Industries And Commerce
Tender award for upgradation of industrial estate borguri (construction of cement concrete road rcc drain and cross drainage works) group ii
57 Upgradation of Industrial Estate Borguri (Construction of Cement Concrete Road RCC Drain and Cross Drainage Works) Group I
TRN : 721224 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 1.19 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Industries And Commerce
Tender award for upgradation of industrial estate borguri (construction of cement concrete road rcc drain and cross drainage works) group i
58 Upgradation of Industrial Estate Borguri under possession of ASIDC Ltd (Construction of RCC Drain and culvert Boundary wall and Gate and CC pavers Road )
59 Renovation and up gradation of Warehousing facilities under the scheme of NABARDs RIDF-XXI in existing Warehousing Complex, HIJUGURI
TRN : 715575 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 2.32 Crore | Agency Name : Assam State Warehousing Corporation
Tender award for renovation and up gradation of warehousing facilities under the scheme of nabards ridf-xxi in existing warehousing complex, hijuguri
60 Providing of Construction Materials for Covered Pathway and Retaining Wall in 2 Mtn Div Sector.
TRN : 759089 |  Tinsukia - Assam
Contract Value : 35.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for providing of construction materials for covered pathway and retaining wall in 2 mtn div sector.

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