You have searched for tonk-rajasthan- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 786530 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 50.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for supply in gram panchayat deoli
2 Supply in gram Panchayat PACHALA
TRN : 786533 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 25.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for supply in gram panchayat pachala
3 Food Item rate For Dist Jail Tonk
TRN : 847290 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Department Of Prison
Tender award for food item rate for dist jail tonk
4 Construction of C.C.Road, Conversion of Roof sheets, Water Harvesting, Electrification and Renovation of toilet work
TRN : 708626 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1.21 Crore | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation
Tender award for construction of c.c.road, conversion of roof sheets, water harvesting, electrification and renovation of toilet work
5 Construction of additional work for converting SHC into HWC at 9 Nos. places in Malpura Block, Distt. Tonk.
TRN : 664180 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 58.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Medical And Health Services
Tender award for construction of additional work for converting shc into hwc at 9 nos. places in malpura block, distt. tonk.
6 Construction work of New 15 Nos. Drug Distribution Counters in various DH/CHC/PHC in District Tonk.
TRN : 664182 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 32.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Medical And Health Services
Tender award for construction work of new 15 nos. drug distribution counters in various dh/chc/phc in district tonk.
7 Construction work of Ayurvedic Dispensary at Nasirda, Distt. Tonk.
TRN : 664184 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 11.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Medical And Health Services
Tender award for construction work of ayurvedic dispensary at nasirda, distt. tonk.
8 Raze and rebuilt work at following A site ROs under Ajmer DO-1. M/s Shah Ioc Filling Station, Kaithoon, Distt Kota 2. M/s Shree Kalyan KSK, Awan Distt Tonk
9 Construction of boundary wall with fencing under RKVY-22
TRN : 587216 |  Tonk - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 25.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Shri Karan Narendra Agriculture University
Tender award for construction of boundary wall with fencing under rkvy-22

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