You have searched for trivandrum-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

791 supply and installation of Batteries for 120KVA UPS
TRN : 598386 |  Trivandrum - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Telangana Medical Services And Infrastructure Development Corporation
Tender award for supply and installation of batteries for 120kva ups
792 Supply and installation of 14Nos. of 10 mtr High Mast light System with 6 nos. 150 W LED Flood Lights at various locations in Uduma LAC, Kasaragod
793 Supply and installation of 15Nos. of 8 mtr Mini Mast light System with 6 nos. 120 W LED Flood Lights at various locations in Uduma LAC, Kasaragod
794 PWD College of Engineering Trivandrum Construction of Building for Industrial and Production Engineering block Phase I Balance work Basement floor Ground floor and first floor DSR 2016 with CI 44.12per
795 Construction of New Building for Govt. Vocational Higher Secondary School,Iringole
TRN : 598394 |  Trivandrum - Kerala
Contract Value : 40.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of new building for govt. vocational higher secondary school,iringole
796 Restoration work in connection with Relaying of 150 mm AC pipeline with 160 mm and 110 mm PVC pipes along Thampuranmukku Kuzhivila Road
797 DRW 2019 - RWSS to Anicadu - Desilting of Baby well and intake well at Anicadu PH in Anicadu Panchayath
TRN : 591644 |  Trivandrum - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.53 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for drw 2019 - rwss to anicadu - desilting of baby well and intake well at anicadu ph in anicadu panchayath
798 DRW 2019 - RWSS to Mallappally - Construction of temporary bund across Manimala river and ring bund around baby well using sand filled cement bags near intake pump houe Mallappally and desilting of baby well and intake well at Mallappally pump hous
799 Deposit work of Tvpm.Corporation- S0911 18 Laying 90 mm PVC pipe line to various places of Poonkulam ward under Vandithadam maintenance section
800 Deposit work 2018-19 - Mallappally grama Panchayath - Project No.20-18-19 - Replacing of old and damaged smaller dia pipe line from Panthrandu Parappadi to Niravel road in Ward No.05

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