You have searched for udalgiri-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 768793 |  Udalgiri - Assam
Contract Value : 51.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for supply of veg fresh at supply coy asc leimakhong
12 Supply of Vegetable fresh, Fruits fresh, Potato, Onion, Garlic and Bread (FM) at Supply Point ASC Thinghat for the period from 01 Apr 2020 to 31 Mar 2021.
13 “Construction of District Centre at Udalguri in Udalguri District.”
TRN : 742787 |  Udalgiri - Assam
Contract Value : 31.16 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for “construction of district centre at udalguri in udalguri district.”
14 Repairing/Improvement of approach road of DC Office Compound and Magistrate Colony road in Udalguri (R and B) Division, Udalguri District_TN_92_2
15 Construction of vehicle garage for 9 Nos of Magistrate Qtr Partition wall alongwith 1 toilet construction in the double room of 2nd floor Circuit House concrete base and shed for DG set Udalguri DCs Complex in Udalguri District_TN_92_1
16 TN_35_2 Construction work of A.D.R. (Alternate Dispute Resolution) Centre at Udalguri District
TRN : 736755 |  Udalgiri - Assam
Contract Value : 2.99 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for tn_35_2 construction work of a.d.r. (alternate dispute resolution) centre at udalguri district
17 Construction of approach road, Waiting Shed, Hume Pipe Culvert, Gardening work and Outside arrangement by encircling two nos. of Peepal Trees at Public Bus Stand Khoirabari near Assam Oil
18 Const. of Office Building Complex of Inspector of Schools, Udalguri and District Elementary Education Officer, Udalguri in Udalguri District under SOPD for the year 2019-20.TN No.71
19 Const. of Office Building Complex of Inspector of Schools, Udalguri and District Elementary Education Officer, Udalguri in Udalguri District under SOPD for the year 2019-20.TN No.71
20 Construction of road from Pathakpur Namghar road to Ajagarh Basti (Arun Dhadhara) house (Providing E/W, GSB & HPC) [From Ch.0.00m to Ch.3550.00m]

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