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91 Periodical renewal coat 25mm thick bituminous concrete with paver on link road Chintpurni Bazar VR055 km 1000 to 1460 and Mirgoo to Amokla Sidhu VR066 km 000 to 2330
92 CO Boundary around the PWD Staff Colony at HPPWD Bharwain Tehsil Amb Distt Una
TRN : 664427 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for co boundary around the pwd staff colony at hppwd bharwain tehsil amb distt una
93 CO link road Saloh Beri to Durga Mata Mandir km 000 to 1800 SH Providing and laying soling and cement concrete pavement and protection work between km 000 to 1190 and 1600 to 1800 under MMGSY
94 Const of link road to Harijan Basti Amlehar km 000 to 2700 SH Construction of 3 meter span RCC slab culvert at RD 1250 under SCCP
TRN : 661330 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 9.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for const of link road to harijan basti amlehar km 000 to 2700 sh construction of 3 meter span rcc slab culvert at rd 1250 under sccp
95 CONSTRUCTION OF head weir chamber PL jointing and testing of MSERW pipe 300mm dia including Construction pillers and MS brackets.
TRN : 661066 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 22.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for construction of head weir chamber pl jointing and testing of mserw pipe 300mm dia including construction pillers and ms brackets.
96 Construction of FIS Dhundi Kuhl Dudhli from Manjhi Khad in Tehsil Dharamshala Distt. Kangra SH Construction of Pucca Main channel 1050 Rmt Outlets 2 No and Foot path crossings 9 Nos
97 Construction of FIS Sudher Kuhl from Banoie Khad in Tehsil Dharamshala Distt Kangra Construction of Pucca MainSub channel 1762 mtr Outlets 12 No and Foot path crossings 10 Nos
98 Construction of Decentralised Sewage treatment plants based on Root Zone treatment technology in the shape of constructed wetland at various locations in M C Dharamshala of 165 KLD near Cricket Stadium 52 KLD at Bhagsu laying and jointing sewer
99 Construction of FIS Fatt and Dhani di Kuhl in GP Paddar in Tehsil Dharamshala Distt. Kangra sub head Head weir Main Channel from RD 0 to 1246.50 mtr Outlet 6 Nos Foothpath Crossing 5 Nos and PCC wall 68 mtrs
100 Providing and installation of India Mark III 65mm dia India Mark II 32mm dia deep well hand pump under IPH Dharamshala Zone 500 No hand pumps with DTH ODEX Percussion Calyx Portable rigs during the year 2018-19 Non Tribal Areas

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