You have searched for una-hp-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 Award of handling and transport contract at PEG Una (haroli)
TRN : 822252 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 26.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Food Corporation Of India
Tender award for award of handling and transport contract at peg una (haroli)
32 Construction of Additional Building Block C and D for I.T.I. at Una, Tehsil and Distt. Una H.P Sub Head Construction of Building Portion, Water Supply and Sanitary Installation, Rain Water Harvesting Tank, Septic Tank and Boundary wall etc.
33 Periodical maintenance on link road Khuhi Jhurowal Bharolian km.0/00 to 2/500 ( SH:- Patch work , 30 mm thick BC , zebra crossing & side lines) (VR0142)- Under State Head
34 Annual Surfacing link road from Una Bridge to Village Arniala via Mohall Bazigran to Shiv Mandir to Village Ajnouli Road km. 0/0 to 2/500 (SH: - P/L WMM in patches and 25mm thick BC (HP-1205VR0139) State Head
35 Job 8 Construction of Circle level lab at Una Sub Head Construction of Retaining wall , Toe wall , Chambers and P.L cement concrete pavement
36 Supply of Fertilizers
TRN : 783474 |  Una (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 40.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Cooperative Marketing Federation Limited
Tender award for supply of fertilizers
37 Job 7 Restoration of rain damages link road lower Arniala Holgarh mohalla to Sainik Rest house Una Distt.Una Sub Head Construction of 3.00mtr. span RCC Slab culvert etc.
38 Construction of 2 Nos. class rooms at Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Lower Dehlan, Tehsil and District Una H.P. Sub Head Construction of 2 Nos. class room Deposit work
39 Balance work under Nabard-XXIII of Construction /strengthening of link road Dehlan to Dyalan mohalla and RTO Barrier to Jakhera Gameshah via abadi Arohi km. 0-0 to 5-500 Under Nabard Sub Head P.L WMM, cement concrete in km. 3-400 to 4-0
40 Construction of 2 Nos. Class rooms at Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Sasan, Tehsil and Distt. Una H.P Sub Head Construction of 2 Nos. class room with stair Deposit work

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