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1251 Replacement of damaged 10 MVA Transformer by new at 33/11 KV S/S Normal, Gorakhpur
TRN : 515364 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for replacement of damaged 10 mva transformer by new at 33/11 kv s/s normal, gorakhpur
TRN : 515365 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for providing of one no. diesel vehicle for excutive engineer, eudd-i, gorakhpur
1253 Repairing of Damage ST Pole at ground level for SDO-IV, Gorakhpur
TRN : 515366 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of damage st pole at ground level for sdo-iv, gorakhpur
1254 Repairing of damaged distribution T/F plinth in the area of SDO III, Gorakhpur
TRN : 515367 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of damaged distribution t/f plinth in the area of sdo iii, gorakhpur
1255 Repairing of damaged distribution T/F Fencing area of SDO III, Gorakhpur
TRN : 515368 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of damaged distribution t/f fencing area of sdo iii, gorakhpur
1256 Repairing of underground damaged cable at 33KV University Feeder, Gorakhpur and other Misc. works.
TRN : 515369 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of underground damaged cable at 33kv university feeder, gorakhpur and other misc. works.
1257 Repairing of underground damaged cable at 33KV Townhall Feeder to Kachahari Gate, Gorakhpur and other Misc. works.
TRN : 515370 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of underground damaged cable at 33kv townhall feeder to kachahari gate, gorakhpur and other misc. works.
1258 Repairing of underground damaged cable and other misc. work at Sai feeder, Gorakhpur
TRN : 515371 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of underground damaged cable and other misc. work at sai feeder, gorakhpur
1259 Repairing of underground damaged cable and other misc. work at Deoria by pass road, Gorakhpur
TRN : 515372 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of underground damaged cable and other misc. work at deoria by pass road, gorakhpur
1260 Against sanction Package No. D-209/2016-17, D-46/2017-18, D-62/2017-18, D-38/2016-17 and D-172/2016-17
TRN : 515373 |  Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for against sanction package no. d-209/2016-17, d-46/2017-18, d-62/2017-18, d-38/2016-17 and d-172/2016-17

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