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1051 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of SCADA,RTUs and Leak Detection System(LDS) for CTMPL along with integration of SCADA System with PLC based control and RTUs including comprehensive AMC of the complete system for five years. PART-II: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of SCADA system clients and RTU for Chennai ATF Pipeline, integration of SCADA and LDS supplied under Group B Part I with Chennai ATF Pipeline facilities. "
1052 Design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and integration of additional above ground Ethanol Tanks and pumps with existing Terminal Automation System along with associated works at Lucknow Terminal under UPSO-I
1053 Rate Contract for the Job of Damaged Chute Replacement by fabrication and Erection of new Chutes along with other fabrication jobs related to structural items at CHP at STPS
1054 Emergency upgradation of ground floor room inside ICCU for the provision of new C-ARM (for pacemaker) along with repair of New cath lab & cath lab at 1st floor of cardiology building within the compound of IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital. (Civil Works). ---------- Repair & renovation of ward rooms and provision of library & renovation of 2nd stair at cardiology building within the compound of IPGME&R-SSKM Hospital during the year 2019-20. (Civil Works).
1055 Open Drain at Domoria Bridge to Buddha Nallah along with Railway Line.
TRN : 711167 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 8.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for open drain at domoria bridge to buddha nallah along with railway line.
1056 R/M of Loktak-Leimatak road along bye pass in between RD 12.00 Km to RD 19.00 Km at Leimatak
TRN : 712623 |  Bishenupur - Manipur
Contract Value : 86.94 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for r/m of loktak-leimatak road along bye pass in between rd 12.00 km to rd 19.00 km at leimatak
1057 Procurement of coated labyrinths, coated wearing plates and pressing rings along with their fasteners
TRN : 712627 |  Pithoragarah - Uttaranchal
Contract Value : 89.55 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of coated labyrinths, coated wearing plates and pressing rings along with their fasteners
1058 Providing and fixing interlocking tile for Shamshan ghat, RCC drain work along main approach road, repairing of interlocking tiles and drain, M.S. grating work and construction of boundary wall for Kabristan in village Junedpur
1059 Maintenance of parks and cremation ground and 100M wide green belt along 130M wide road Ch. 490M to 1590M (Part-A and B) in sector Techzone-IV for one year, Greater Noida
1060 Construction of rcc wall below Mt Everest hotel along Gandhi road, ward no12
TRN : 711333 |  Darjeeling - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of rcc wall below mt everest hotel along gandhi road, ward no12

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