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1351 Repairing and roof grading for water proofing treatment along with jungle cleaning at D-7 qtr at Urjanagar colony
TRN : 665527 |  Godda - Jharkhand
Contract Value : 2.15 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for repairing and roof grading for water proofing treatment along with jungle cleaning at d-7 qtr at urjanagar colony
1352 Repair and maintenance of sub-drain, s/tank, Bathroom, Latrine room, and Kitchen room and P/F ceramic glazed tiles along with P/F sanitary and plumbing related works of NHS (D/S) Qtrs. block no-264, 269, 271 and 272 4 block at Urjanagar colony.
1353 Repair and maintenance of bath room latrine room kitchen room and P/F ceramic glazed tiles along with P/F sanitary and plumbing related work of B S/S qtr. no- 10/19-20 11/21 12/23-24 71/140-141 76/150-151 77/152-153 78/154-155 79/156 81/161 82/16
1354 Making retaining wall along ramp of weigh bridge at Piparia colliery of Umaria sub Area of Johilla Area.
TRN : 665403 |  Umaria - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.82 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for making retaining wall along ramp of weigh bridge at piparia colliery of umaria sub area of johilla area.
1355 Providing the following Diesel Driven Jeep along with Driver for the Division and Test Labs under EE, EUTD, Mathura in the jurisdiction of Superintending Engineer, Electricity Urban Distribution Circle, Mathura.
1356 Providing the following Diesel Driven Jeep along with Driver for the Division and Sub-Divisions under EE, EUDD-III, Mathura in the jurisdiction of Superintending Engineer, Electricity Urban Distribution Circle, Mathura.
1357 Providing the following Diesel Driven Jeep along with Driver for the Division and Sub-Divisions under EE, EUDD-II, Mathura in the jurisdiction of Superintending Engineer, Electricity Urban Distribution Circle, Mathura.
1358 Providing the following Diesel Driven Jeep along with Driver for the Division and Sub-Divisions under EE, EUDD-I, Mathura in the jurisdiction of Superintending Engineer, Electricity Urban Distribution Circle, Mathura.
1359 Providing the following Diesel Driven Car, Jeep along with Driver under the Superintending Engineer, Electricity Urban Distribution Circle, Mathura.
TRN : 666198 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Daksinanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for providing the following diesel driven car, jeep along with driver under the superintending engineer, electricity urban distribution circle, mathura.
1360 Estimate for clearing sarkanda weed booti jala etc. from Abul Khurana drain at RD 150000-219435, Wahabwala drain RD 100000-178000, Toe drain along R.F. RD 0-63450 and Punjawa Roranwali link drain RD 22630-50000 before monsoon season 2019

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