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1591 Engagement of coal liasoning agency for transportation of coal from MCL collieries n Witnessing of Third Party sampling at loading point along with transportation of Power House part of the samples to WBPDCL Plants.
1592 Protection of Lower Bagjola Khal by CC Block lining along the Right bank in between Jagatpur (1.114 KM) and Gobindanagar (2.649 KM) for a total length of 1300 m. within Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, P.S.- Baguihati and Newtown, Dist. - North 24 Parganas.
1593 Erection and dismantling of LT overhead line for illumination of mine and dumping area along with outsourcing mines and dumping area on as and when required basis for one year of Kakri Project
1594 Provn of rain water harvesting at Shivaji Coy DSC Centre and Special repairs to foot path, curves along the road sides of MES and DSC Centre Kannur under AGE (I) Cannanore.
1595 Plantation of 3000 Nos. of Avenue plants in West division along the new road reaching Aluflouride Company (Near Mulagada village road) in Visakhapatnam Port
1596 PVLHEP-Annual maintenance for clearing of light jungles and vegetation along the penstock track of Pallivasal Power House for one year.
TRN : 625218 |  Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Electricity Board
Tender award for pvlhep-annual maintenance for clearing of light jungles and vegetation along the penstock track of pallivasal power house for one year.
1597 Construction of store room along with earth filling in ditch at Zone-V Head work site under New Town Kolkata W/S. Project, P.H.E. Dte. Sl No. 01"
1598 M/R to Sundarban Embankment for a length 250.00 Mtr. near Sardarpara Jetty Ghat damaged due to several kotal period along the left bank of river- Raimongal at Mouza- Madhabkati, G.P- Gogeshganj, Block -Hingalganj of Hingalganj (I) Sub-Division under Basirhat Irrigation Division.
1599 Re-construction of retaining walls and connected structures along river side portion of Nerimangalam Hydro Electric Power Station
1600 hiring of Diesel jeeps along with Driver for use under EDD 2 Agra and Thier Sub Divisions
TRN : 626641 |  Agra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 10.56 Lacs | Agency Name : Daksinanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited
Tender award for hiring of diesel jeeps along with driver for use under edd 2 agra and thier sub divisions

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