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2261 Protection along the left bank of river Mansai at Kodaldhowa area for a length of 0.90km in Block-Mathabhanga-II,P.S. Nishiganj, District Coochbehar.
2262 Cleaning along main incline at the periphery of belt conveyor due to installation of steel cord belt along main incline at Shyamsundarpur colliery
2263 Fabrication and Erection of shed along south side of Mechanical and Capital godown inside Main store at RCF Trombay Chembur
TRN : 532396 |  Mumbai - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Rashtriya Chemicals And Fertilizers Limited
Tender award for fabrication and erection of shed along south side of mechanical and capital godown inside main store at rcf trombay chembur
2264 Replacement of existing water supply valves with electrically operated motorised valves at various pump houses along with installation of centralised monitoring and controlling SCADA system in RCF Township at Chembur Mumbai 400074
2265 Protection along the both banks of river Kaljani for a length of 3900m at Gudamdabri , Dakshin Latabari and Nakadola areas within Satali, Latabari and Mendabari G.P. in Block & P.S. Kalchini, District Alipurduar.
2266 M/R to Bhandarkhali, Uttar Bastuli and Hatgacha Sluice at Mouza- Rupamari, Bhandarkhali, Block -Hingalganj along right banks of river-Sahebkhali and river-Goureswar under Hingalganj Irrigation Sub-Division of Basirhat Irrigation Division.
2267 Emergent Restoration of Sundarban Embankment near 7 no. Hatgachi New Jettighat at Mouza - Hatgachi, G.P.- Hatgachi, Block - Sandeshkhali-I along the right bank of river Bidyadhari of Haroa Irrigation Sub-Division under Basirhat Irrigation Division.
2268 Construction of Panelling, Partitioning along with other allied decorative work in 1st,2nd,3rd,4th floor in Janaswasta Karigori Bhaban,Sectror-V,Salt Lake,Kolkata-700091
2269 Construction of Panelling, Partitioning along with other allied decorative work in 1st,2nd,3rd,4th floor in Janaswasta Karigori Bhaban,Sectror-V,Salt Lake,
2270 Design, drawing, construction and commissioning of Clear Water Underground Reservoir 0.50 MGD Capacity together with Pump House on UGR, Substation building including supply and installation of related Electro-Mechanical works over pile foundation along with trial run for 3 months and subsequent operation and Maintenance for 12 months at ward no 27, A.H. Nagar of Panihati Municipality on Turnkey Basis.

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