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TRN : 844533 |  Bheemunipatnam - Andhra Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.46 Crore | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provision of motorable road along with boundary wall of ins kalinga bheemunipatnam
332 Annual maintence contract Sewerage Scheme for Azad Nagar Hisar Town.Desilting of main sewer line along main road from Jail-2 to Godara petrol pump and petwar bhawan to Godara Petrol Pump and all other contingent thereto.(assuming 50mtr. Reach to be cleaned in 3 days (based on practical experience)
333 Improvement of sewerage scheme Siwani Town Laying of 300 mmi/d Dl pipe line openly along with Tosham Rcad and providing and fixing of 1500 LPM x 15 Mtr. Head non clog machinery including all equipments with temporary shad and all other works contingent thereto.
334 Cutting of earth along CT road from Haul road junction towards Panchmukhi Junction for drainage of water to main Sump of Bharatpur Project.
335 Hiring of 01 no. Computer Operator along with Computer System and Printer for the office work of Superintending Engineer under Electricity Distribution Circle, Pilibhit (12 Months).
336 Supply and installation of Dual use AC Submersible Solar Motor Pump Set in ground bore well along with 1200 watts peak solar photovoltaic array including other related works at Panua Chakraborty para, GP Lego in the district of Bankura under Bankura Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte
337 Supply and installation of Dual use AC Submersible Solar Motor Pump Set in ground bore well along with 1200 watts peak solar photovoltaic array including other related works at Govindapur Chakra Majhipara, GP Lowgram in the district of Bankura under Bankura Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte
338 Supply and installation of Dual use AC Submersible Solar Motor Pump Set in ground bore well along with 1200 watts peak solar photovoltaic array including other related works at Mondal Vita, GP Kotulpur in the district of Bankura under Bankura Mechanical Division P.H.E. Dte
339 Realignment of deformed railing cement concrete side path patching with painting along west Jawahar road iron grating and new railing at wood stock cafe location ward no30 Darjeeling
340 Engagement of agency for carry out account related works of computer along with printer, UPS and operator for Dy. CAO PTPP, Parichha
TRN : 841583 |  Jhansi - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 7.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for engagement of agency for carry out account related works of computer along with printer, ups and operator for dy. cao ptpp, parichha

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