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451 Epoxy grouting of Machine Hall along with the drainage gallary and draft tube side i/c epoxy painting work on treated surfaces and other places at Gandhi Sagar HPS. (Rate should be quoted excluding GST)
452 Design, Supply, Erection, Stringing, sagging, Testing and Commissioning along with maintenance during Defect Liability Period (DLP) of 3 nos. separate 33 KV DCDS (OHTL) on 132 KV Steel Towers from 132/33 KV CSS to 03 nos. 33 KV SS on Turn Key basis
453 Survey Investigation and Preparation of D.P.R. for Road along the Canal at Left Side from Kaliyasot Dam to New Byepass Road (km. 1/2 to km. 13/2) Length 12.10 kms.
454 Annual work contract for computer operation and daily cleaning of office furniture along with other associated office work of the O/o S.E. OPN-I at SGTPS, MPPGCL, Birsinghpur.
455 Dismantling, erection and extension of 220V, 2 wire lighting line for illumination of overburden dumping along with installation of GOAB switch 11KV grade (400Amp) near electrical sub- station at Jarangdih opencast mine, Jarangdih Colliery
456 Regular Cleaning of Kutcha and Pucca drain along and across the Railway Tracks at Umrer Railway Siding of Umrer Area
TRN : 830231 |  Umrer - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Western Coalfields Limited
Tender award for regular cleaning of kutcha and pucca drain along and across the railway tracks at umrer railway siding of umrer area
457 Cleaning of drain and berm along Central Haul road CT road from level crossing to NQ sub-station and drain at exit of siding at Bharatpur Project
458 Repairing of boundary wall of Mine No. 1 and 2 along the public road under Orient Sub Area
TRN : 832126 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repairing of boundary wall of mine no. 1 and 2 along the public road under orient sub area
459 storation of Sundarban Embankment damaged due to Cyclonic Storm BULBUL sycronised with purnima Kotal (09.11.19 to 12.11.19) along right bank of river Kalindi from ch 72.400 KM to ch 72.565 KM at mouza Samsernagar . Block -Hingalganj of Hingalganj (I) Sub-Division of Basirhat Irrigation Division.
460 Restoration of Sundarban Embankment damaged due to Cyclonic Storm BULBUL sycronised with purnima Kotal (09.11.19 to 12.11.19) along right bank of river Kalindi from ch 62.200 KM to ch 62.950 KM and Hathkhola Sluice at mouza Malekangumti, Block -Hingalganj of Hingalganj (I) Sub-Division of Basirhat Irrigation Division

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