You have searched for Tenders of asansol in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

151 Repairing and Renovation of Cement Concrete Roads, Drain at different sites of ward no.69 under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
152 Construction of Cement Concrete Roads, Drain, Slab at different sites of ward no-69 under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
TRN : 619615 |  Asansol - West Bengal
Contract Value : 40.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of cement concrete roads, drain, slab at different sites of ward no-69 under asansol municipal corporation.
153 Repairing and Renovation of Cement Concrete Roads, Guard Wall at different sites of ward no.67 of Borough-IX under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
154 Repairing and Renovation of Cement Concrete Roads, Guard Wall, Drains, Cover Slab at different sites of ward no.105 of Borough-IX under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
155 Construction of Cement Concrete Roads, Drains, Slab at different sites, ward no-105, Borough -IX, under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
156 Repairing and Renovation of Cement Concrete Roads, Drains, Cover Slab at different sites of ward no.104 of Borough-IX under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
157 Construction of Cement Concrete Roads, Drains, Slab at different sites, ward no-104, Borough -IX, under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
158 Repairing and Renovation of Cement Concrete Roads, Guard Wall, Drains, Cover Slab at different sites of ward no.103 of Borough-IX under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
159 Construction of Cement Concrete Roads, Drains, Slab at different sites, ward no-103, Borough -IX, under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
160 Repairing of Cement Concrete Roads, Drain at different sites of ward no.102 under Asansol Municipal Corporation.
TRN : 619630 |  Asansol - West Bengal
Contract Value : 18.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for repairing of cement concrete roads, drain at different sites of ward no.102 under asansol municipal corporation.

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